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The exam was a killer.这考试把人都折磨死了。Police think she may have fallen victim to a serial killer.警方认为她可能已经被连环杀手杀害了。Angry protesters wanted to inflict vengeance on the killer.愤怒的抗议者想要对杀人犯进行报复。They vowed to avenge their father by capturing and punishing his killer.他们发誓要抓住并惩罚凶手为父报仇。I'm not saying the film is a killer, but it's cool.这部影片说不上极其精彩,但可以说是很棒。The police have checked out dozens of leads, but have yet to find the killer.警方核查了许许多多的线索,但还是没有找到杀人凶手。Heart disease is the biggest killer of men in most developed countries.在多数发达国家,心脏病是导致人们死亡的头号杀手。The killer was put to death in the electric chair.杀人犯被送上电椅处死。Police are still hunting the killer.警方仍在追捕凶手。She has a killer smile. 她有着迷人的微笑。The disease is a potential killer.该疾病是潜在的杀手。Heart disease is the leading killer of both men and women.心脏病是头号杀手,对男女都一样。Determining the identity of the killer will take all his considerable skills.确定杀手的身份需要他使出全部看家本领。You can wear a killer dress, but nobody will find you attractive.你可以穿件非常漂亮的连衣裙,但是没有人会认为你很迷人。The police never tracked down the killer.警方一直都没有擒获杀人凶手。It would be dangerous to go after the killer on your own.你一个人去抓捕凶手是很危险的。Leonard was determined to exact revenge on his wife's killer.伦纳德决心对杀害他妻子的人实施报复。He plays well but still lacks the killer instinct.他球打得很好,不过还缺乏杀气。He's got the killer instinct.他有好胜心。The building had been set alight by the killer.大楼已被杀人凶手点着了。Heart attacks have become our number one killer disease.心脏病已经变成了我们的头号杀手。Local people are still searching woods near the victim's home for any clues to help find her killer.当地的人仍在被害人住所附近的林子里寻找线索,帮助找到杀害她的凶手。The witness wasn't able to describe the killer because she didn't get a good look at him. 证人说不出凶手的模样,因为她没看清楚。In those days measles was a major killer.那时候麻疹是主要的致命疾病。The door had not been forced open, which strongly suggests that the victim was known to her killer.门不是强行破开的,这清楚说明被害人是认识凶手的。The film is about a professional killer who's hired to liquidate a powerful businessman.影片讲述的是一位职业杀手受雇去杀害一位有权势的商人。She was sexually assaulted by her killer.她死前遭到了凶手的性侵。The killer was hunted down with help from his relatives.在其亲属的帮助下,那个杀人犯被抓捕归案。I believe that the killer acted alone.我认为杀手是单独行动的。The newspaper has described the killer as perverted and sexually deviant.报纸上将凶手描述为乖戾的性变态者。Relatives of the victim hissed as the killer was led from the courtroom.杀人犯被带出法庭时,受害者的亲戚发出嘘声。The police finally captured the killer. 警方终于抓住了凶手。High blood pressure is known as a silent killer.高血压被称为沉默的杀手。The police couldn't bring the killer to justice.警方没能将凶手缉拿归案。Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date.警方强调这是迄今对凶手最精确的描述。Heart disease is America's number one killer.心脏病是美国的头号杀手。Was the killer acting alone?杀手是独自作案的吗?Overdoses were the single biggest killer among the city's young.过量吸食毒品曾是城市青年的头号杀手。Willie had warm coffee-coloured skin that accented a pair of huge lady-killer eyes.威利的咖啡色皮肤给人以温暖的感觉,突出了他那双令女人倾倒的大眼睛。The police are on the track of the killer.警方正在追踪该杀人犯。 |