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词汇 justice
例句 She has fought hard to bring the case to justice.她拼尽全力要使此案得到公正的审判。This courtroom battle has been a poor advert for English justice.这场法庭上的争论为英格兰的司法制度做了一次拙劣的广告。The girl's killers have never been brought to justice.杀害那女孩的凶手们一直都逍遥法外。He intends to see that justice is done; he's not a lawyer for nothing.他意在申张正义,他这律师可不是白当的。He encouraged them to organize for social justice.他鼓励他们聚集起来争取社会公平。Social justice is the keystone of their political program.社会公平是他们政治纲领的基本原则。Some people saw the epidemic as divine justice.有些人把这场流行病看成是天谴。Access to justice is a basic right.享有司法公正是一项最基本的权利。This postcard doesn't do justice to the wonderful scenery.这张明信片没能充分展现那美丽的景色。I think the unprejudiced observer will feel that justice was done today.我认为,公正的旁观者会觉得今天正义已得到伸张。A fair justice system is a fundamental part of a civilized society.公正的司法制度是文明社会非常重要的一部分。America was founded on the values of freedom and justice for all.人人自由平等的价值观是美国建国的根基。The public are more than disenchanted with the criminal justice system.民众对这个刑事司法体系感到极其失望。It's time the perpetrators of the crime were brought to justice.是把罪行的实施者绳之以法的时候了。Economic growth is still bound to the issues of poverty, social justice and conservation.经济增长仍然与贫困、社会公正和资源保护等问题紧密相连。No one could, with justice, have said he was lazy.公正地讲,没有人会说他懒惰。That book is a satire on the administration of justice.那部作品是对司法工作的讽刺。War criminals, torturers and mass murderers can be brought to justice.战犯、实施酷刑的人和大屠杀制造者能够被绳之以法。She was unrelenting in her demands for justice.她不折不挠地要求公正。My sense of justice was offended.我的正义感被激了起来。My grandfather was very intelligent, but he never did himself justice at school.我祖父很聪明,可他上学时从没发挥出自己的水平。They're used to rough justice around here.他们习惯了这里的不公平待遇。The fight for justice goes on.为争取正义而进行的斗争会一直进行下去。The international court of justice might be a suitable place to adjudicate claims.国际法庭可能是对权利主张进行裁决的合适地方。There is no justice in this world!这个世界毫无公平可言!Sara panicked in the exam and didn't do herself justice.萨拉在考试中由于紧张未能充分发挥自己的水平。The judge's decisions are a mockery of real justice. 这位法官的判决极不公正。We must see this play again to do it justice.这出戏太好了,我们一定得再看一次。He clerked for the chief justice of the Supreme Court.他为最高法院的大法官做书记员。American justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until they are proved guilty.美国司法的前提是被告在被证明有罪之前是无罪的。I too am committing myself to continue the fight for justice.我本人也保证将继续为正义而战。The king meted out justice as he saw fit.是非全由国王喜好决定。This court exemplifies the values of fairness and justice.本法庭是公平和正义这种价值观念的典范。The case inspired/restored confidence in our system of justice.这个案例激起/恢复了我们对司法制度的信心。The symbols, given equal prominence, are the scales of justice, a harp, a torch, an olive branch, a shamrock, and a crown.这些象征物具有同等重要性,代表正义的不同级别,它们分别是竖琴、火炬、橄榄枝、三叶草和皇冠。He believed in political activism to achieve justice.他坚信通过政治激进主义可以实现公正。I never do myself justice in exams.我考试时从来没能充分发挥自己的水平。He believes in justice tempered with mercy.他认为法外尚需施恩。Those who break the law are subjected to justice.违法者要受到法律制裁。The story raises serious questions about our system of justice.这个报道针对我们的司法制度提出了严肃的问题。




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