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例句 He unwarily trod upon a viper asleep just before his feet.他不小心踩到正睡在他脚前的蛇上。The goal was cancelled out just before half-time by Craig McLurg.中场还没到,比分就被克雷格·麦克勒格扳平了。We arrived at the pub just before opening time.我们刚好在酒馆开门之前到达。There was a kink in the path just before the bridge.快要过桥的那段路上有一个转弯处。Harold jumped out of the car just before it went over the cliff.就在汽车从悬崖边翻落下去之前,哈罗德从车里跳了出来。We heard gunshots just before midnight.快半夜时我们听到了枪声。Final exams will be just before Christmas.期末考试就在圣诞节前。I grabbed at the glass just before it fell.杯子刚要掉下我就伸手抓住了。Maria's first appearance was just before the Act Three curtain.玛丽亚的首次登台就在第三幕落幕之前。The hikers decided to pitch/make camp just before sunset.远足者们决定在日落前扎营。It's virtually/nearly/almost impossible to book a flight just before the holiday.假日前夕几乎不可能订到机票。A man was seen acting suspiciously just before the break-in.就在盗窃案发生之前,有人看到一名男子行迹可疑。She rolled out of bed just before noon.她快到中午了才起床。Witnesses to the crash say they saw an explosion just before the disaster.坠机事件的目击者称,就在灾难发生前他们看见了爆炸。It was a foggy night just before Christmas.那是圣诞节前的一个雾气朦胧的夜晚。He tested the goalkeeper again just before half time with a powerful free kick.接近半场的时候,他一脚任意球又给守门员制造了麻烦。The warranty on my watch ran out just before it broke.我手表坏的时候刚过了保修期。When the book appeared just before the end of the century, it almost split the feminist movement.当此书在世纪末问世时,它几乎使女权运动产生分裂。These animals are most active in the hour just before sunrise.这些动物在黎明前最活跃。We arrived just before sunset. 我们刚好在日落前到达。We were able to batten down the house just before the storm hit.我们在暴风雨来袭前加固了房子。The engine packed up just before we reached Paris.我们快要到达巴黎时,发动机坏了。She passed two other runners just before the finish line.快到终点时她超过了另外两名选手。The goal that decided the match came just before the interval.决定比赛结果的进球是在中场休息之前射进的。I saw her just before she died.就在她去世前我见过她。The rain came on just before lunchtime.就在午饭前开始下雨了。We can't risk any damaging scandals just before a Presidential election.总统大选在即,我们不可以冒险让任何有破坏性的丑闻传出。Diana had aroused them just before dawn.戴安娜是在天刚刚亮时把他们叫醒的。He scored the winning goal just before the whistle blew.就在哨声吹响之前他打入了致胜的一球。The engine packed up just before we reached Paris.就在我们快要到达巴黎时,发动机坏了。He got back to the office just before lunchtime.他回到办公室的时候正好快要吃午饭了。It was really chaotic just before the show started.演出开始前真是一片混乱。Both sides lost a player to the sin bin just before the interval.中场休息之前两队各有一名队员被罚下场。The bus stop is just before the school.公共汽车站就在学校前面一点。The goal that decided the match came just before the interval.决定本场比赛结果的进球是在中场休息前一刻打入的。The break-in had occurred just before midnight.入室行窃就发生在午夜前。We all knuckled down to study just before final exams.就在期末考前,我们开始埋头苦读。Our house is just before you get to the end of the road.我们的房子就在路尽头。Violence reached a peak just before the election.就在选举前夕,暴力冲突达到顶点。I had an attack of nerves just before I went on stage.登台前那一刻我感到非常紧张。




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