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词汇 junk
例句 I could barely get in my flat, there was so much junk mail on the mat.我差点进不了自己的公寓,因为垫子上堆着那么多的垃圾邮件。He made the boat out of junk materials.他用废旧材料做了这条船。She worries that junk food is crowding fruits and vegetables out of her children's diet.她担心孩子们吃了垃圾食品,水果和蔬菜吃得就少了。There's nothing but junk in that magazine.那本杂志里尽是些糟粕。His writing is all junk.他的写作一文不值。There were bits of junk lying around.到处都是破烂。Don't lumber up my desk with your junk.别把你那些乱七八糟的东西堆满我的书桌。As a nation, our consumption of junk food is horrifying.我们整个国家对垃圾食品的消费量十分惊人。They piled up scrap wood, boxes and other junk and made a big bonfire.他们把碎木、盒子及其他废旧杂物堆起来点起一堆很大的篝火。You can be mail-bombed or swamped in junk mail.你可能遭受邮件炸弹轰击或陷入大量的垃圾邮件的泥淖中。So much junk mail ends up in my mailbox nowadays; I just throw it all away!如今我信箱里垃圾邮件太多了,我就统统扔掉!If only you could protect your real-world mailbox from junk mail.如果你也能保护真实世界中的邮箱不收到垃圾邮件就好了。Isn't it about time you cleared out some of your junk?难道你不觉得该清理一下自己的一些杂物吗?I get as angry as the next person when companies send me junk email every day.当某些公司每天寄给我垃圾邮件时,我和其他任何人一样生气。Do I really have to schlep all that junk down to the cellar?我真的非得把所有那些废旧杂物弄到地下室去吗?My last car was a piece of junk.我的前一部汽车简直是个废物。I must clean out this cupboard - it's absolutely full of junk.我一定要把这个橱柜清理一下,里面全是废旧杂物。He had an assemblage of old junk cars filling the backyard.他的后院里堆满了废旧汽车。Circulars and other junk mail go straight in the bin.传单和其他的垃圾邮件直接扔进垃圾桶。He's an expert at making things out of junk.他对变废为宝很在行。Reduce your intake of salt, sugar, and junk foods.减少你对盐、糖和垃圾食品的摄入量。Presumably the junk mailer had to pay excess postage on the returned prepaid envelopes which now each contained a brick.在垃圾邮件预付邮资的信封里装块砖头寄回去,这样发垃圾邮件的人可能需要支付超重部分的邮资。Kids are all prone to eat junk food.孩子往往都喜欢吃垃圾食品。There was only one dinky store with a few cans of soup and some other useless junk for sale.只有一家很简陋的商店,卖的是一些汤罐头和其他一些没有用的杂物。Consumers will not have to junk their old cassettes to use the new format.消费者将不必丢弃他们的旧盒带而采用新的制式。Their junk shop was full of chairs, trunks, ornaments, and other miscellaneous objects.他们的旧货商店里满是些椅子、大箱子、装饰品和其他各种各样的东西。They had to junk their vacation plans when their son got sick.儿子生病了,他们只好放弃度假计划。I wouldn't have time to scout the area for junk.我可没时间在这片区域找破烂儿。She never eats junk food.她从来不吃垃圾食品。We threw away a lot of old junk that was in the basement.我们扔掉了储藏室里的很多旧垃圾。Most TV channels are filled with junk.平庸无聊的节目占据了大多数电视频道。We were always searching for bits of junk we could cobble together into something artistic.我们一直在搜寻可以拼搭成艺术品的小块废料。The junk is often seen in this lake area.在这个湖区舢板很常见。What are you going to do with all that junk, Larry?这一大堆破烂儿你打算怎么处理,拉里?The yard was cluttered with junk like broken bicycles and old washing machines.院子里堆满了诸如破自行车和旧洗衣机之类的废品。I throw away junk mail without reading it.垃圾邮件我看也不看就处理掉了。Is any of this junk usable?这些破烂有可用的吗?Scientists now link certain types of cancer to the amount of junk food that people consume.现在科学家们把某些类型的癌症和人们消耗的垃圾食品量联系起来。I don't even bother to open most of the junk mail I get.对收到的大部分垃圾电子邮件,我甚至都不愿费神去打开看。The house was full of worthless junk.这房子里堆满了没有用的东西。




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