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词汇 jumping
例句 A few people were bungee jumping off the bridge while a crowd of people looked on.几个人在桥上玩蹦极,一群人在围观。They've only just met - isn't it jumping the gun to be talking about marriage already?他们刚认识——现在就谈婚论嫁是不是为时尚早?In this version of the game, jumping is not permitted.这种游戏的玩法不允许跳子。The bar/joint/place was jumping.这个酒吧/场所/地方的气氛活跃。The frog made a loud plop jumping into the water.青蛙扑通一声跳入水中。The millionaire turncoat is beneath contempt for jumping from the Tories to Labour.从保守党变节到工党的那个富翁叛徒极为可鄙。You gave me the fright of my life, jumping out like that!你这样跳出来,把我吓死了!If you don't stop jumping on the couch, you're going to get a spanking. 如果你还在沙发上跳,就会被打屁股。The fish were jumping clean out of the water.鱼儿高高地跳出了水面。Many farms are jumping on the bandwagon and advertising organically grown food.很多农场正赶潮流宣传有机食品。She restrained the girl from jumping off.她阻止了那个女孩往下跳。Forgive me. I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions.原谅我吧,我不应该妄下结论。The students entered the classroom, jumping and singing.学生们又唱又跳地进了教室。Equestrian consists of three disciplines: jumping, dressage and eventing.马术比赛包括三项赛事:障碍赛、花样骑术和综合全能马术赛。Opposition leaders have accused the government of jumping on the asylum seeker bandwagon.反对党领导人指责政府随大流支持寻求政治避难者。Lectoure is a bustling market town and the best jumping-off point for a first visit to Le Gers.莱克图尔是一个繁忙的集镇,同时也是第一次游览热尔省的最佳出发地。He gets vicarious thrills from watching people bungee jumping.他看别人蹦极会间接感到刺激。That's just like Julie - always jumping in with both feet before she knows the facts.朱莉就是这样——总是情况都没搞清楚就先瞎掺和。The policeman talked the man out of jumping from the top of the building.警察说服那男子不要从屋顶上跳下来。He had the duty receptionist almost jumping through hoops for him. But to no avail.值班的接待员几乎为他费尽了力气,但还是没用。The thought of jumping out of a plane makes my hair stand on end.老实说,一想到从飞行的飞机上跳下来就让我毛骨悚然。They were shouting/jumping for joy. 他们高兴地叫起来/跳起来。Surely it's jumping the gun to buy the ring before you've even asked her to marry you?你甚至还没有向她求婚就买了戒指,想必也太操之过急了吧?The party was jumping when I arrived.当我到达时,晚会正热闹地进行着。Anita wasn't exactly jumping for joy when I told her Greg was coming back tomorrow.当我告诉阿妮塔格雷格明天要回来时,她并不显得特别高兴。The children broke some springs jumping on the bed.孩子们在床上跳时弄断了一些弹簧。It was like jumping on a bicycle for the first time in decades.就像数十年来第一次骑上自行车一样。Cathy kept jumping from one topic to another.凯茜老是从一个话题突然转到另一个话题。Bill's jumping up and down because Mark didn't get his report finished in time.比尔很是光火,因为马克没有及时完成报告。He won a gold medal in Olympic ski jumping.他赢得了奥运会跳台滑雪金牌。There you go again, jumping to conclusions.你又来了,草率地下结论。The record player needle kept jumping out of the grooves.唱针老是跳出槽纹。He was unhorsed while jumping over a fence.在跳越篱笆时他被马从背上掀了下来。Three people saved themselves by jumping from the window.三人从窗户跳下,得以捡回性命。Running up sand dunes or jumping waves will burn calories and tone muscles.往沙丘上跑或跳浪有助于消耗热量,强健肌肉。The essay provides a good jumping-off point for further discussions.这篇文章为进一步讨论提供了很好的出发点。The fans were jumping up and down with excitement.粉丝们兴奋得跳来跳去。Half-a-dozen lads surged round the corner, jumping about, shouting.六个少年挤在拐角处,跳来跳去,吼叫着。Then I noticed the car was bouncing up and down as if someone were jumping on it.然后我注意到那辆车在上下颠簸,好像有人在车上蹦跳似的。She suffered multiple injuries after jumping out of a fifth floor window.她从五楼的窗台跳下来,身上多处受伤。




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