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词汇 journals
例句 All our results are published in scientific journals.我们的所有成果都刊登在科学期刊上。The Captain later published his journals.船长后来发表了自己的日志。Her papers have appeared in several different scientific journals.她的论文发表在几家不同的科学期刊上。He published widely in scientific journals.他在科学期刊上广泛发表文章。She has published articles in both learned journals and popular magazines.她在学术刊物和流行杂志上都发表过文章。He was a newspaperman for The New York Times and some other journals.他是《纽约时报》和其他几家报纸的记者。Her book draws on letters, diaries, journals and historical sources.她的书取材于信件、日记、日志以及历史资料。Her turns of mind are revealed in her journals.她的思想方法体现在她的日记中。He has published numerous articles in scholarly journals.他在学术刊物上发表了许多论文。Magazines, newspapers, journals, and so forth are on the second floor of the library.杂志、报纸、期刊等都在图书馆的二层。A few of the writer's journals have resurfaced.这位作家的几篇日记突然被发现。I was given access to his private papers and journals.我获准翻阅他的私人文件和日记。The journals are available in electronic format.这些杂志有电子版可供查阅。The explorer's journals tell of a vast unexplored wilderness.探险家的日志描述了一片人迹罕至、广阔无垠的荒野。She subscribes to quite a few academic journals.她订阅了好几种学术期刊。His journals are full of dubious pearls of homespun wisdom.他的日记中记下了许多朴素却不可靠的箴言。Cruz had to scavenge information from newspapers and journals.克鲁兹不得不从报纸和杂志中搜寻信息。




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