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词汇 ashore
例句 The old sailor longed for life ashore.老水手渴望过陆上生活。Most of the other passengers had gone ashore.其他乘客中大多数都上岸了。We docked our boat and went ashore to visit the island.我们把船泊在码头,上岸到岛上去玩儿。The army stormed ashore.军队强行登陆。A lot of debris was washed ashore during the storm.在暴风雨中大量残骸被冲上了岸。His grandfather had gone ashore to spend the evening in a bar.他的祖父上了岸,在一间酒吧里过夜。Once ashore, the vessel was thoroughly inspected.船只刚一靠岸就接受了彻底检查。Exhausted, they swam ashore.他们感到筋疲力尽,于是向岸边游去。Slowly the fisherman reeled in his line, bringing the fish ashore.垂钓者慢慢收绕鱼线,把鱼拉到岸上。A large man in oilskins waded ashore.一个穿着油布衣裤的魁梧的男子涉水走上岸来。We'll have two days ashore while the ship is in port.轮船靠港时,我们能在岸上呆两天。The marines went ashore as a spearhead this morning to capture key targets.今天早晨,海军陆战队作为先头部队率先登陆以占领主要目标。A sailor threw a rope ashore and we tied the boat to a post.一个水手将一条缆绳扔到岸上,于是我们把船拴到了一根柱子上。We rowed ashore, then explored the island on foot for the rest of the day.我们划船到了岸边,之后余下的时间步行在岛上探险。Strong winds blew the ship ashore.大风把船吹向陆地。He quickly rowed ashore.他快速地划向岸边。Two bodies were washed ashore last night.昨晚有两具尸体被冲到岸上。The sailor stepped ashore.那个水手跨步上岸。He was rowing the boat ashore.他把船向岸边划去。The hurricane blew ashore near San Fernando.飓风在圣费尔南多附近的海岸登陆。He went ashore leaving me to start repairing the torn sail.他上岸去了,留下我修理被撕破的船帆。All the crew have come ashore.所有的船员都上岸了。Oil has come ashore east of Plymouth.油带已漂至普利茅斯东部海岸。People were returning to their cabins after a day ashore.人们在岸上待了一天之后,都回船舱去了。During the breeding season the birds come ashore.在繁殖季节各种鸟都飞到岸边。Once ashore, the vessel was inspected.船一靠岸就受到了检查。The storm washed our boat ashore.暴风雨把我们的船冲到岸边搁了浅。A few pieces of wood had washed ashore.几块木头被冲到了岸上。The boat had washed ashore during the storm.那船在暴风雨中被冲到岸边搁了浅。 The surviving crew members were ferried ashore.幸存下来的船员被运上了岸。He threw the mooring lines ashore and took a flying leap but missed the bank.他把缆绳扔上岸并纵身一跃,但是没能跳到岸上。The men waded ashore.那些男人蹚过水上了岸。The sea tided the debris ashore.潮水将碎片冲上海滩。He rowed her ashore and then continued trolling around the lake.他划船把她送上岸,然后继续慢悠悠地在湖上划。The attackers stormed ashore at zero hour.突击者于进攻发起时刻强击登陆。He was rescued only when an exhausted friend swam ashore.当一个精疲力尽的友人游上岸后他才获救。They paddled ashore and made camp.他们涉水上岸,接着搭起帐篷。As the king stepped ashore the cannons fired a salute.国王登岸时,鸣响礼炮致意。I was pitched into the water and swam ashore.我被甩到水里后向岸边游去。When we were in port, he let me off work and allowed me to go ashore.我们在港口停靠时,他准许我不工作,并允许我上岸。




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