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词汇 Jean
例句 He found Jean's manner disquieting.他觉得琼的举止让人忧虑。Jean eased back on the pillows and relaxed.琼轻轻仰靠到枕头上让自己放松。Jean felt uncomfortable but managed to force a strained smile.琼觉得不舒服,但仍然勉强挤出了一丝笑容。She enjoyed trying her French out on Jean-Pierre.她喜欢跟让·皮埃尔练习法语。Jean Menkes plays the president's wife and Fiona Handley plays the other woman.琼・门克斯饰演总统夫人,而菲奥娜・汉德利扮演总统的情妇。This must have been causing Jean immeasurable grief.这一定给琼带来了无限的悲痛。Jean is busy with her work.琴忙于自己的工作。Willie Smith was the second son born to Jean and Stephen.威利·史密斯是琼和斯蒂芬生的第二个儿子。I saw a man with grey hair sitting in the car next to Jean.我看到车里有一个白发男子坐在琼的身边。The show features clothes by famous fashion designers like Jean-Paul Gaultier.这次表演展示了一些著名时装设计师如让·保罗·高提耶等设计的服装。Jean's looking forward to a comfortable retirement.琼盼望着能过上宽裕的退休生活。Jean wasted no time on civilities.琼不失时机地寒暄了一番。Everyone at home is thrilled about Jean's baby.家里的每个人都为琼的小孩感到激动不已。Jean-Pierre is endearing but not well endowed in the brains department.简·皮埃尔很惹人喜爱,但脑袋不是很聪明。If the worst comes to the worst I guess I can always ring Jean.到了一筹莫展的时候,我想我总还是能给琼打电话。Jean has made full professor at last.琼终于晋升为正教授。Jean Paul's attempts to apologize just irritated me even more.让·保罗试图道歉,这只会使我更加生气。She looked for some response, but Jean's expression remained inscrutable.她想看看会有什么反应,但琼斯依然是一副不露声色的表情。This dish was created by our chef Jean Richard.这道菜是我们的厨师琼·理查德创制的。Jean-Paul can be as a stubborn as a mule.让-保罗倔起来像头骡子。Jean went out, the tray balancing precariously in one hand.琼走了出去,一只手端着托盘摇摇晃晃的。Friday's probably okay for me, but I'll check with Jean.星期五我可能没问题,但是我要问一问琼。We'd have made a decision by now if Jean hadn't been so obstructive.要不是琼从中作梗我们现在早就作出决定了。Jean was my roommate during our first year at college.琼和我大学一年级时是室友。Because Jean had given up a career to support her husband's career, the court ordered him to pay alimony.由于琼为了支持丈夫的事业而放弃了自己的事业,法庭就判定他支付赡养费。Tom believes that actions speak louder than words and has been demonstrating his love for Jean through taking her dog to the vet.汤姆认为行动比语言更有说服力,一直带琼的狗去看兽医,以此来表现对琼的爱。The country is being run by an interim prime minister, Jean-Claude Cousin.该国正由临时首相琼一克劳德·卡曾管理。Jean is cooperative and helpful in the classroom.琼在班上富于合作精神,并乐于助人。Jean was mounted on a grey mare.琼骑着一匹灰色的母马。Jean belongs in the movies.琴适合于拍电影。Now that she was older, Jean's bony fingers and wrists were too small for her jewelry.琼现在年纪大了,瘦骨嶙峋的手指和手腕戴她的那些首饰太小了。What makes a second-rate actress like Jean so self-satisfied, so over-confident?是什么使琼那样的二流演员如此沾沾自喜,如此过于自信?Jean had her hair cut at the beauty parlour downstairs.琼的头发是在楼下的美容院理的。Jean opened the window, and heard the faint sound of the bells drifting across the Old Town.琼打开窗,听到老城那边飘来隐隐约约的钟声。Jean wore a string of pearls around her neck.琼脖子上戴了一串珍珠。Jean spoke, her voice low and urgent.琼说话的声音低沉而迫切。Jean sat at the table writing a letter.琼坐在桌前写信。Jean ended up in casualty last night.结果昨天晚上琼被送进了急诊室。I'm afraid Jean-Paul has gone raving mad.恐怕让-保罗已经完全失去理智了。I'll be contacting Jean tomorrow wrt the Christmas party - is there anything you'd like me to suggest to her?关于圣诞聚会的事,我明天就与琼联系,你有什么要我向她建议的吗?




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