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词汇 Japan
例句 Our main overseas market is Japan.我们的主要海外市场是日本。Japan was by no means immune from continental influences.日本决不可能不受到亚洲大陆的影响。The book gives a vivid picture of life in modern Japan.这本书生动地描绘了现代日本的生活。Five countries have permanent seats on the UN Security Council but Germany and Japan, among others, are knocking on the door.有五个国家拥有联合国安理会的永久席位,但德国、日本和其他一些国家正在申请加入。Over the last few years Japan's socialists have seen their electoral popularity take a roller-coaster ride.在过去的几年里,日本社会党在选民中的支持率忽高忽低。The government is urging Japan's firms to collaborate with foreigners.政府力促日本公司同外国人合作。Consumers in Japan and the Persian Gulf have become the latest targets for advertising campaigns.日本和波斯湾地区的顾客已经成为广告宣传的最新目标群体。I had to interpret for my boss on the last trip to Japan.上次去日本时我不得不为老板作口译。I'm determined to visit Japan no matter what it costs.无论花多少钱,我坚决要去日本看看。He shared his impressions of a recent visit to Japan.他分享了自己最近访问日本的感受。He said Japan would continue to pursue these policies.他说日本将继续实行这些政策。The volume of trade with Japan has increased.与日本的贸易额增加了。The move was regarded as significant in Japan.这一举动在日本被认为意义重大。A United States' delegation is in Japan seeking finance for a major scientific project.一个美国代表团正在日本为一项重大科研项目寻求资金支持。He received a posting to Japan as soon as his training was finished.培训一结束,他就收到了派往日本的任命。Is there any particular reason why you want to go back to Japan?你想回日本去有什么特别的原因吗?Japan lies to the east of China.日本在中国的东面。At the meeting they discussed, among other things, recent events in Japan.会上,除了其他议题外,他们还讨论了日本近来发生的事件。The delay in the programme has dashed Japan's hopes of commercial success in space.该计划的拖延使得日本在太空获得商业性成功的希望化为泡影。The French Defence Minister is to visit Japan later this month for talks with his Japanese opposite number.法国国防部长将于本月底访问日本,并与日本防卫大臣举行会谈。Until recently, anime had little more than a cult following outside Japan.以前,日本动画片在日本以外的追随者不多,这种情况最近发生了改变。Japan's productivity has overtaken America in some industries, but elsewhere the United States has clung on to its lead.在有些行业,日本的生产效率超过了美国,但在其他行业美国仍然保持着领先的地位。The divorce rate in Japan is much lower than in the U.S.日本的离婚率比美国的低很多。She sent us a card from Japan.她从日本给我们寄来了一张明信片。Japan is thus favourably placed to maintain its lead as the most successful manufacturing nation.这样,作为头号制造业强国,日本在保持其领先地位方面十分有利。Europe should not try to mimic Japan: we have to find our own path to successful modernisation.欧洲不应该去模仿日本: 我们必须找到自己的办法,成功实现现代化。I'm really looking forward to this trip to Japan.我非常期待这次日本之行。Japan has announced plans for a sharp rise in its nuclear power generation.日本宣布了大幅增加核能发电的计划。Japan is likely to co-operate with Australia.日本很可能与澳大利亚合作。Japan was approached by the U.S. about it.关于这件事美国曾同日本接触过。The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan.波士顿美术馆已经签了合同,将部分展品租赁给日本的一家博物馆。When will you be going back to Japan?你什么时候回日本?Japan runs a large current-account surplus.日本拥有巨额的经常账户盈余。Japan is subject to earthquakes.日本常发生地震。He said Japan would continue to pursue the policies laid down at the London summit.他说日本将继续贯彻伦敦峰会所制定的政策。Unions are pressing for restrictions on steel imports from Japan.工会正敦促限制从日本进口钢材。The Campbell Soup Company says it will try to tap into Japan's rice market.金宝汤公司表示他们将设法了解日本的大米市场。I couldn't pass up going to Japan; it was a chance in a million.我不想放弃去日本的机会,这可是千载难逢的啊。He's the most eligible bachelor in Japan.他是日本最为抢手的单身汉。Japan has a good lead over other car-producing countries.日本遥遥领先其它汽车生产国。




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