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例句 She can come whenever she likes, as far as I'm concerned.就我而言,她什么时候想来都可以。You're welcome to it as far as I'm concerned.在我看来,你尽管拿去好了。As chairman I was anxious to co-operate with Mr Baker as far as possible.作为主席,我非常希望能够尽可能多地与贝克先生合作。The day was shot as far as I was concerned.就我来说,这一天是白白浪费了。He stretched his arm up as far as he could.他把手臂尽量往上伸。With a bit of forward planning we make sure your budget goes as far as possible.事先稍作打算,我们可以保证让你的预算尽量发挥作用。We only got as far as the end of the road, then the car broke down.我们才开到路口,汽车就抛锚了。He's completely void of charm as far as I can see.依我看他毫无魅力可言。Alaska doesn't have any drilling sites off the coast, as far as I know.就我所知,阿拉斯加没有沿海钻井台。He's very charming but I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.他很有魅力,但我一点都不信任他。There were poppy fields stretching as far as the eye could see.罂粟田绵延,一望无际。The shoes rate high as far as comfort goes, but they're not very stylish.就其舒适度而言,这双鞋可谓很好,但款式不够漂亮。I caught a ride as far as Columbus.我搭车到了哥伦布。The River Nile extends as far as Lake Victoria.尼罗河一直延伸至维多利亚湖。He isn't coming today, as far as I know.据我所知,他今天不来。Ruth walked with her as far as the corner of the road.鲁思陪着她一直走到那条路的拐角处。Their influence extended as far as China.他们的影响远至中国。The tide was out, leaving nothing but mud as far as the eye could see.潮水退了,目光所及之处只能看到一片烂泥。Today was a write-off as far as work is concerned.就工作而言,今天真是一事无成。The keyboard is a large and clumsy instrument as far as portable computers are concerned.就手提电脑而言,键盘就显得大而笨重了。Mr. Jones is the father figure as far as the child is concerned.在这孩子的心目中,琼斯先生与父亲无异。I'll help you as far as I can.我将尽我所能帮助你。Portuguese explorers had charted the west coast of Africa as far as Sierra Leone.葡萄牙探险家已经绘制出了远至塞拉里昂的非洲西海岸地图。He got as far as Paris.他最远到过巴黎。It's safe, as far as I know. 据我所知,这是安全的。It was already late in the day, as far as that project was concerned, when we realized how we should have been organizing it all along.在那个项目上,直到最后我们才意识到从头到尾该如何规划。No one has complained, as far as I know.据我所知,没有人抱怨过。I can't answer for my colleagues, but as far as I'm concerned this is a great proposal.我不能担保我的同事们也如此想,但就我来说,这是个非常棒的提议。There's been no change, as far as I can tell.依我看,一直都没有变化。In the morning I got as far as the sofa and fell on to it.早晨,我只走到沙发那儿,就一下子倒在上面。The reporters spread discontent at the editors as far as they dared.记者在他们敢于说话的范围内散布对编辑的不满。His theory is good as far as it goes.他的理论就其本身而言是好的。That's fine, as far as we're concerned.就我们而言,那样挺好。He's a bottomless pit as far as food is concerned.他吃起东西来肚子像个无底洞。OK, now lift your right leg up as far as it will go.好了,现在尽量抬高右腿。That choice was out as far as we were concerned.我们认为,那个选择不可行。I had thought we might travel as far as Oak Valley, but we only managed the first lap of the journey.我以为我们能到奥克瓦利,但是我们只走完了第一段行程。I make the decisions as far as finance is concerned.财务方面由我说了算。Broad prairies stretch out as far as the eye can see.辽阔的草原一望无边。The dry region stretches as far as the eye can see.这片干旱地区一眼望不到头。




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