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词汇 accepting
例句 You can't embrace a religion without accepting its dogmas.你要信奉一种宗教,就得接受其教义。They have been too free and easy in accepting political contributions.他们接受政治捐款时太过随意。The poor man believed that accepting charity was degrading.那穷人认为接受施舍有辱人格。I hope you'll do me the honor of accepting this invitation. 承蒙不弃,望能大驾光临。Many feel that the mayor has disgraced the town government by accepting personal favors from local businesspeople.很多人认为,市长接受当地商人个人馈赠的行为使市政府名誉扫地。Her parents pushed her into accepting the job.她父母逼她接受那份工作。They knew they were courting danger/trouble by accepting donations from a convicted felon.他们知道,接受一个被判了刑的重罪犯的捐赠是自找危险/麻烦。Marco was arrested and jailed for accepting bribes from drug dealers.马科因收受毒贩贿赂被捕入狱。In accepting this award, I would like to thank the producer, the director, the scriptwriter, and, lastly, the film crew.获得这个奖项,我要感谢制片人、导演、编剧,还有摄制组全体成员。Party members feel that they were bounced into accepting the policy.党内人士觉得他们是被迫接受这个政策的。The strange look in his eyes made me wary of accepting his offer.他那奇怪的眼神使我在考虑是否接受他的提议时谨慎起来。The governor was impeached for accepting bribes.州长因受贿而受到弹劾。Saunders has been convicted for accepting bribes.桑德斯被控犯有受贿罪。Employees were terrorized into accepting abysmal working conditions.雇员们被胁迫接受恶劣的工作条件。We're hoping that they'll eventually come round to accepting our offer.我们希望他们最终会接受我们的提议。She thought long and hard before accepting his offer.她经过长时间的慎重考虑才接受了他的求婚。Before accepting office, Wellington had made it clear that he was not a party man.就职前,威灵顿已经澄清了他不是什么政党成员。By not accepting the prosecutor's deal, he places his future in the hands of the jury.他不接受公诉人的处理方法,把自己的命运交由陪审团决定。All my instincts were against accepting her offer.我所有的本能反应都告诉我不要接受她的提议。The judge was accused of accepting bribes.那名法官被控收受贿赂。He felt that accepting the money would be a betrayal of his principles.他觉得收下这笔钱就违背了自己的原则。She felt the necessity of accepting the invitation.她感到必须接受这一邀请。The government has banned public officials from accepting gifts from foreigners.政府禁止公务员接受外国人的礼物。I'm in two minds about accepting the job.我拿不定主意该不该接受这份工作。He wavered between accepting and refusing.他犹豫不决,不知是接受好,还是拒绝好。He denies accepting backhanders, though he admits being offered them.他否认受贿,但承认有人向他行贿。As a teacher she was very selective, accepting only a small number of exceptionally gifted pupils.作为老师,她的筛选很严格,只接受一小部分特别有天赋的学生。He warned us to be cautious of accepting their statements as fact.他告诫我们谨防将他们的话当成事实。We are simply not going to be bounced into accepting these terms and conditions.我们不会轻易被胁迫接受这些条款和条件的。Rebecca was already beginning to feel uneasy about accepting the stranger's offer of a ride.丽贝卡接受陌生人的邀请坐上了他的车,现在已经开始惴惴不安起来。The campus environment was accepting of radical politics.当时大学校园的环境适合于激进派的政治。She bulldozed her partners into accepting the agreement even though they didn't like it.她迫使合伙人接受了这个协议,尽管他们并不情愿。He doubled his pay by accepting bribes.他接受贿赂,使收入翻番。Opponents say he has a record of cosying up to polluters and accepting their campaign donations.他的对手说他一贯与造成污染的企业关系密切并且收受他们的竞选献金。For me, recovery has been all about finding my inner child and accepting her.对我来说,康复就是找到并接受自己内心孩子般的情感。There have been documented cases of officials accepting bribes.有很多记录在案的官员受贿的事例。I was a little doubtful about accepting.我对要不要接受有些犹豫。Most people can see the ethical problem with accepting such an offer.大多数人能看到接受这样一个提议在伦理上产生的问题。My grandparents have never had a problem accepting me.我的祖父母从来都是无条件地接受我。I regret that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.非常遗憾,我因先有他约而不能接受你的盛情邀请了。




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