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词汇 isolation
例句 The tower stands in splendid isolation on the cliff edge.这座塔巍然矗立在悬崖边上。Scarlet fever victims had to go to the isolation hospital.猩红热患者必须进隔离医院。The country could face international isolation if it does not withdraw its troops.该国若不撤军就会面临国际社会的孤立。Patients with severe symptoms are treated in isolation for the first few days.重症病人在头几天会被隔离治疗。Individual economic policies shouldn't be viewed in isolation.不应当孤立地看待个人经济政策。The various organs of the body do not function in isolation but are mutually dependent.身体的不同器官不是独立运作而是互相依存的。How will the country deal with its increasing political isolation?该国将如何应付日益加剧的政治孤立呢?The house sits in splendid isolation on top of a steep hill.这栋房子岿然独立于一座陡峭的山顶上。They told me about isolation and public apathy.他们向我谈到了孤立无助和公众的冷漠。Punishment cannot be discussed in isolation from social theory.不能脱离社会理论孤立地讨论惩罚。China has long awakened from her age-old isolation.中国早已从长期与世隔绝的状态中觉醒过来。After all the visitors had left, she experienced a feeling of complete isolation.所有的客人离开后,她有一种异常孤独的感觉。The future of health care cannot be considered in isolation from economic factors.不能脱离经济因素而孤立地看待保健服务的未来。They destroyed our sense of isolation.他们消除了我们的孤立感。Years of international isolation has led the country to develop a siege mentality.多年的国际封锁导致这个国家封闭排外。She could not bear the isolation of being at home alone all day.她无法忍受整天一个人待在家里的这种孤立的生活。He was put in an isolation ward.他住进了隔离病房。Most galaxies are found in clusters rather than in isolation.大多数星系都成星团存在,而不是孤立的。After years of xenophobic isolation, the country now encourages tourism.那个国家在多年的恐外隔绝后现正鼓励发展旅游业。No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors.任何药物治疗都不是单独起作用的,而是或多或少受到其他许多因素的影响。He lived in a state of self-imposed isolation.他生活在自我孤立的状态中。At first I couldn't stand the isolation of living in a foreign country.起初,我在异国他乡生活,寂寞难耐。Many immigrants experience isolation.许多移民都有被孤立的感觉。Many deaf people have feelings of isolation and loneliness.很多失聪人士都感到孤独寂寞。Retirement can often cause feelings of isolation.退休生活常让人感到孤独。Malcolm works in isolation but I have no doubts about his abilities.马尔科姆单打独干,但我对他的能力丝毫不怀疑。She became depressed and experienced an increasing sense of isolation.她变得很沮丧,有种日益加剧的孤独感。His poems were a desperate expression of his loneliness and isolation.他的诗歌绝望地表现了他的寂寞和孤独。The researchers work in isolation.那批研究人员单独工作。The country has again achieved international respectability after years of isolation.被孤立了几年之后,该国又重新赢得了国际声望。Diplomatic isolation could lead to economic disaster.外交上的自我孤立可能导致经济灾难。Taken in isolation these statements can be dangerous.孤立来看的话,这些说法可能十分危险。Their culture developed in isolation from the rest of the world.他们的文化与世界上其他地区的文化隔绝并独立发展。A feeling of isolation swept over me.忽然有一种孤独的感觉向我袭来。The political prisoner had been held in complete isolation .政治犯被完全隔离,单独监禁。Taken in isolation these statements can be dangerous fallacies.孤立地看,这些说法可能是危险的谬论。The South African economy emerged from decades of international isolation.南非的经济摆脱了与国际社会隔离了几十年的状况。His photographs evoke the isolation and solitude of the desert.他的那些相片使人想起了沙漠的孤独与荒凉。National isolation can only cause economic and cultural impoverishment.锁国只会导致经济和文化上的困厄。The figures should not be looked at in isolation but as part of a pattern.不应孤立地去看待这些数字,而应该将其视为一个数列的一部分。




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