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词汇 island
例句 The island is only nine miles in circumference.这座岛屿环岛只有九英里长。The old barracks are still standing on the north side of the island.那些旧兵营仍屹立在岛的北面。He had once looked into buying his own island off Nova Scotia.他曾一度考察过在新斯科舍附近购买岛屿。The island of Tasmania lies to the southeast of the country.塔斯马尼亚岛位于该国东南方。The sharp outline of the island had become blurred.那个岛的清晰轮廓已变得模糊不清。The sailors were marooned on the island for six months.那些水手被困在这个岛上六个月。The island remained etched in my memory.那座岛屿一直让我铭记在心。At first they thought that building a bridge across to the island was an impossibility.起初他们认为造一座连接大陆与该岛的桥梁是不可能办到的事。The castle is on an island surrounded by a deep lake.这座城堡坐落在岛上,环岛是一个很深的湖。The island has been untouched by tourism.该岛未受旅游业的影响。He owns a house on the island.他在岛上拥有一所房子。The island is mainly inhabited by sheep.栖居在岛上的主要是绵羊。You can rent the island for a week and enjoy the great beach all by yourselves.你们可以租岛一周,独享美妙的海滩。Several hundred species of birds inhabit the island.有数百种鸟栖息在这个岛上。The island became alive with ack-ack.岛上响起一片高射炮声。The book discusses the political subjection of the island by its larger neighbour.这本书谈论了该岛在政治上受到其强大邻国控制的问题。Trips to the island continue through the year.到该岛的旅行全年都有。The causeway to the island is only accessible at low tide.通往该岛的堤道只有在枯潮时才能通行。One day he took an excursion to the other end of the island for a change of scene.有一天他想看一下别的景色,于是去了岛的另一边游玩。Some of the oil has washed up on a neighbouring island.一些原油已被冲到邻近的一个岛上。Looking around at the shuttered houses, he observed that the island was entirely different in the winter.环顾四周百叶窗遮蔽的房子,他说岛上的冬天完全不同。The island is roughly circular in shape.该岛大致呈圆形。A pair of feuding families is impinging on the island's future.两个世代结仇的家族矛盾妨碍着这个岛屿的前途。Only the island of Bali preserved, alongside its own traditions, the Brahman heritage of those ancient times.只有巴厘岛把古代的婆罗门文化遗产随着该岛的传统保存了下来。The island's chief feature was its beauty.这个岛屿的主要特色是风景秀丽。Tourism is the island's bread and butter.旅游业是该岛的主要收入来源。The typhoon inflicted severe damage on the island.台风给岛上造成重大损失。They enjoyed the loneliness of their life on the island.他们喜爱岛上那种人迹罕至的清静生活。Plans to build a new airfield could threaten the delicate ecology of the island.建造一个新机场的计划可能会对岛上脆弱的生态环境构成威胁。A powerful earthquake struck the Italian island of Sicily early this morning.今日凌晨意大利西西里岛发生强地震。The island's ruggedness symbolises our history and the character of the people.这个岛屿的凹凸险峻象征着我们的历史和民族性格。England, Scotland, and Wales compose the island of Great Britain.英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成大不列颠。The island offers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife.这个岛屿拥有丰富多样的景致及种类繁多的野生动植物。Most of the island isn't cultivable - the soil is too rocky.该岛大部分地区无法开垦——土地过于多石。All is silent on the island now.此时岛上一片沉寂。An offshoot of the family settled down on the island in the eighteenth century.这个家族的一支旁系于十八世纪在那个岛上定居下来。The map shows the topography of the island.这张地图标示了这座岛的地形。The island is a major tourist hub. 这座岛是主要的旅游中心。There are only a few cars on the island.这个岛上只有几辆汽车。If you were cast away on a desert island, what would you miss most?如果你漂流到一座荒岛上,你会最想念什么?




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