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例句 The post will involve you travelling to Germany about three times a year.这个职位需要你一年去德国出差三次左右。Jacquard designs involve at least two of the basic weaves in various arrangements to form the pattern.提花图案至少包括两种基础组织,基础组织采用不同的组合方式以构成花型。Temporomandibular joint disorders usually involve pain or restricted joint movement.颞颌关节病通常会导致疼痛和关节活动受限。Divorce settlements often involve property that can't be split up easily.离婚问题的解决常常涉及不易分割的财产。What does the work involve?这项工作包括些什么?Some items on the agenda involve commercially sensitive information.日程表上的一些项目包含商业机密情报。Try to involve as many children as possible in the game.尽量让多一些孩子参与游戏。The measures to improve the health service will involve an increase in government spending.旨在改善公共医疗服务的各项措施会使政府开支有所增加。These changes will involve everyone on the staff.这些变化将影响每一位职员。It is inadvisable to involve more than one contractor on a project.一个项目有多个承包商参与是不明智的。Community service can involve anything from gardening to helping in old people's homes.社区服务范围很广,从园艺到去老人院帮忙,包罗万象。Since most of these tumours involve the trigone, they are rarely operable.这些肿瘤大部分发生在膀胱内壁三角区,因此极少能做手术。Tell me what the nuts and bolts of the plan involve.请告诉我这个计划的基本要点。This argument doesn't involve you, so you should just keep out of it.这场争论与你无关,所以你不要插手。The changes will mostly involve low-level jobs/workers.这些变化主要涉及低级别的工种/工人。A late booking may involve you in extra cost.预订晚了的话你可能要额外多花钱。I didn't mean to involve you in all this.我没打算把你牵连进来。We want to involve the workforce at all stages of the decision-making process.我们希望在决策过程中的各个阶段都有职工参与。I didn't intend to involve you in this mess.我不想把你扯进这个烂摊子。Most air rage incidents involve heavy drinking.大多数的空中暴力事件与酗酒有关。Most research and development projects involve some element of risk.大多数研究和发展方案都包含一些风险成分。Children's songs involve lots of repetition.儿童歌曲中有许多重复。Business systems are highly complex and involve processes that are heterogeneous and multidimensional.商业系统极为复杂,并且包含了各种多方面的进程。It is morally imperative to involve patients as much as possible in these considerations.在道德上有必要使病人尽可能多地参与这些事情的考虑中。I'd really rather not involve the police.我真的不愿意把警察卷进来。Some of the boys tried to involve me in their juvenile pranks, but I wasn't interested.有些男孩想拉我一起搞幼稚的恶作剧,可我不感兴趣。This would inevitably involve his departure from the post of Prime Minister.这将不可避免地导致他辞去首相一职。Traditional surgical approaches to spinal pain involve open dissection of soft tissue and bone.针对脊柱疼痛的传统外科手术法是要切开软组织和骨头。Today, the majority of same-sex adoption cases involve a biological parent and a non-biological co-parent.当今大部分同性领养的情况都是一方是子女的亲生父母,另一方是共亲父母。You'll be playing straight into their hands if you involve the police.你如果叫警察来的话,就正中他们的下怀。I always try to involve the whole class.我总是努力使班上每位同学都参与其中。Refusal of permission will involve them in paying huge compensation.他们如不同意,就要承担一笔巨额赔偿。Discussions should involve local people both inside and outside the school.参加讨论的人应该包括校内校外的当地人。Most major changes involve some risk.许多大变动都有一定的风险。He is trying to involve community leaders in negotiations on reform.他试图邀请社区领导一起参加关于改革的协商。Most serious accidents in the home involve electrical equipment or hot liquids.大多数严重的家庭意外事故都因电器或高温液体造成。The new mayor is reaching out to the local community to involve them in his plans for the city.新市长正努力和当地的社区打成一片,使其成为自己城市规划的一部分。The school is keen to involve more young people in sport.该校积极倡导更多的年轻人参加体育运动。As a rule of thumb, stocks that involve greater risk also have the potential of earning you more money.根据经验法则,风险高的股票同样也有让你赚到更多钱的潜力。The treatment does not involve the use of any artificial drugs.这种治疗不会使用任何人工合成药物。




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