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词汇 invite to
例句 Did you send out the invites to the party?你把晚会请柬发出去了吗?Employees are invited to apply for the new position.欢迎员工来应聘这个新岗位。Rosanna felt snubbed when she wasn't invited to the wedding.罗莎娜未获邀请参加婚礼,觉得受到了冷落。Only near relations were invited to the wedding.只有近亲受邀参加婚礼。The playwright was invited to advise in the production.剧作家应邀对演出提出意见。He was invited to give a private performance for the president.他受邀为总统举行专场演出。He was invited to attend a function at his uncle's house.他受邀参加在他叔叔的宅子里举行的一个宴会。I was invited to support her at the meeting for awarding medals.她请我陪她出席颁奖大会。Only intimate friends were invited to their wedding.只有密友受邀参加他们的婚礼。She has been invited to assume the role of mentor.她已应邀担任辅导教师。The assistant director took it as a snub when he was not invited to the conference.助理经理没被邀请参加会议,他觉得这是怠慢他了。He was shown the evidence in private and was invited to stand down.有人私下向他出示了证据,要他下台。I am deeply honoured to be invited to this momentous occasion.能应邀出席如此重要的场合,我深感荣幸。A select group of scientists has been invited to the conference.一群科学家精英已受邀参加会议。She was invited to be a guest speaker at the conference.她受邀成为会议的演讲嘉宾。He asked why those poker faces had been invited to the party.他问为什么那些一本正经的人都被邀参加了宴会。You are invited to the Christmas Ball.你被邀请参加圣诞舞会。She was invited to Sandringham by royal command.她受女王邀请前往桑德灵厄姆。He was invited to America several years ago but he let the chance slip.几年前他被邀请去美国,但他放过了那次机会。Will she take umbrage if she isn't invited to the wedding?如果不请她出席婚礼,她会见怪吗?He had been invited to grace a function at the evening college.他应邀为这所夜校的活动捧场。To christen the new hall, a number of great orchestras have been invited to play.为庆祝新礼堂启用,多家优秀管弦乐团受邀来此表演。She was invited to stand as the Liberal candidate.她应邀作为自由党候选人参选。Are partners invited to the office party?配偶也被邀参加单位的聚会吗?They were invited to the governor's ball.他们应邀参加了州长的舞会。Prospective students are invited to attend the open day.有意前来就读的学生获邀参加开放日活动。He had been invited to grace a function at the college.他应邀莅临大学的一个庆典活动。He was invited to the party but did not attend.他被邀参加宴会但没出席。Readers are invited to contribute their opinions on any of the issues discussed here.读者被邀请对这里讨论的任何话题发表意见。Anyone interested in contributing articles is invited to contact the editor.凡是想投稿的人请和编辑联系。I was not high up enough in the intelligentsia to be invited to such exalted meetings.我在知识界的地位还不够,不足以受邀参加这么高规格的会议。We've been invited to a fancy-dress party.我们获邀参加一个化装舞会。Listeners have been invited to phone in to pick the winner.已经邀请听众来电评选优胜者。I was invited to appear before a meeting of teachers to talk about the school system.我应邀出席一次教师会议,谈有关学校制度的问题。I was invited to travel on the footplate to Hartford and back.我应邀去了趟哈特福德,往返都站在火车司机室的平台上。The student is invited to test each item for himself by means of specific techniques.邀请学生们采用特定的技术自己去测试每个项目。Foreign oil companies were invited to bid for the right to explore for natural gas.外国石油公司被邀请投标争取勘探天然气的权利。He will have to mend his ways if he wants to be invited to my house again.他要再想让我请他来我家作客,那就得好好改一改才行。We have to play up to Schrader if we're going to have any chance of getting invited to his party.如果我们想要获邀参加施拉德尔的宴会,就必须博得他的欢心。I had the distinction of being invited to speak.我很荣幸受邀发言。




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