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词汇 invisible
例句 The gas is invisible but highly dangerous.这种气体看不见,但非常危险。Sound waves are invisible.声波是看不见的。It's interesting how women are rendered invisible in these statistics.从这些统计数字中根本看不出女性的存在,所用的手法真是有趣。Indoor pollution falls into two categories, that which we can see or smell, and pollution which is invisible and produces no odour.室内污染分为两种:一种是我们能看得见或闻得着的,另一种是无色无味的。It's a secret message written in invisible ink.这是一条用隐形墨水写的秘密消息。People thought heat must be, an invisible, tenuous fluid that flowed from hotter to colder places.人们原以为热量是一种无形的、稀薄的液体,从较热处流向凉一些的地方。There's an invisible barrier that keeps women out of top jobs.女性想进入职场的高层有着无形的障碍。Word Perfect uses invisible codes for many different functions.完美文字处理软件的许多不同功能都用了隐形代码。Germs are invisible to the naked eye.细菌是肉眼所看不见的。It was strange, how invisible a clerk could feel.一名办事员会感到如此受人忽视,令人觉得不可思议。These bacteria are invisible unless viewed with a microscope.这些细菌只有用显微镜才能看得见。The atmosphere is the earth's invisible rind.大气是地球的无形表层。In the old animistic world view, people believed that nature was organised by invisible souls.过去信仰万物有灵论的人们认为自然是由看不见的灵魂安排的。He wished that he could make himself invisible.他希望自己能够隐身。Infrared light is invisible to the human eye.人眼看不见红外线。The container is invisible until you shine an ultraviolet light on it.那个柜子只有用紫外线照射才可以看见。The hearing aid is simple to fit and virtually invisible when worn.这款助听器佩戴简便,而且戴上后几乎看不出来。Patterns that are invisible on the ground can be the most striking part of an aerial photograph.地面上看不出来的图案可能会成为航拍照片中最引人注目的东西。That comet is invisible to the unaided eye.那颗彗星只用肉眼是看不到的。The wizard's ring had the power to make him invisible.巫师的戒指有法力使他隐身。The problems of the poor are largely invisible.穷人的问题大多不受重视。Many minority groups are invisible on the major American television networks.许多少数群体在美国的主流电视网上受到忽视。With the telescope we can see details of the planet's surface that are ordinarily invisible.我们可以借助望远镜看到这颗行星表面通常看不到的细微之处。He nodded toward the distant ship, invisible in the darkness.他朝着远处黑暗中看不到的轮船点点头。The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.蚀刻的线条非常精细,离远点几乎看不到。Cézanne managed to proportion and place his forms so that they tapped an underlying, invisible order.塞尚得以均衡各种形状,塑造了一种内在的、无形的秩序。She feels as if her success is being blocked by an invisible barrier.她感觉好像有一个无形的障碍挡住了她通往成功的路。Parents fear they might overstep these invisible boundaries.父母们害怕他们会无意间跨过这些无形的界限。The gun can fire invisible rays.这枪能发出看不见的射线。Homelessness is no longer an invisible problem for this city.无家可归不再是这个城市的隐性问题。The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.线条被蚀刻得如此精细,在远处看都看不见。The belt is invisible even under the thinnest garments.这种腰带即便在最薄的衣衫下都看不出来。Her father's face had suddenly tightened as though he was being strangled by invisible hands.她父亲的脸突然僵硬了,仿佛是被无形的双手扼住了脖子。She had a magic cloak that made her invisible.她有一件魔法斗篷可以让她隐形。Many insects can perceive colours of the spectrum that are invisible to us.很多昆虫可以看到人眼看不到的光谱色。Dust mites are tiny creatures, invisible to the naked eye.尘螨是极小的生物,凭肉眼是看不见的。Some insects’ wings vibrate so fast that the movement is invisible to the human eye.有些昆虫翼翅振动得非常快,人眼是看不见的。The revenue from tourism is the biggest single item in the country's invisible earnings.旅游业收入是该国无形收益当中最大的一项。When in wear, contact lenses are completely invisible.隐形眼镜戴着时别人是完全看不出来的。 Tourism is Britain's single biggest invisible export.旅游业是英国最大的一项无形输出。




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