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词汇 invaders
例句 The invaders forefelt their doom.入侵者预感到他们的灭亡。His diary recorded the tyrannies of the invaders.他的日记记载下了侵略者的残酷暴行。We will never yield to invaders.我们绝不会向侵略者屈服。A strong force was sent to operate against the invaders.一支强大的部队被派去与入侵的敌人作战。The invaders fired arrows over the castle's parapet.入侵者将箭射过城堡胸墙。The clamour grew to wage all-out war against the invaders.要求对侵略者发动全面战争的呼声越来越高。The invaders came in without a check.入侵者长驱直入。The city was attacked by invaders from the north.这个城市受到北方入侵者的攻击。The invaders were repulsed. 侵略者被击退了。The villagers were driven from pillar to post by the invaders.村民们被入侵者逼得走投无路。The excesses committed by the invaders will never be forgotten.人们永远不会忘记侵略军犯下的暴行。The invaders quickly subjected the local tribes.入侵者很快就征服了当地的部落。They put up a good defense, but the city ultimately fell to the invaders.他们顽强抵抗,但那座城市最终还是落入侵略者手中。Even after the country was defeated, partisans fought the invaders in the hills.即使在国家被击败之后,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战。The army defended the territory against invaders.军队捍卫国土不受侵犯。Our troops were armed too lightly to take on the heavily armed invaders.我们的部队装备严重不足,无法与全副武装的入侵者抗衡。They drove out the invaders.他们赶走了入侵者。They drove the invaders back across the border.他们把入侵者赶出边境线。No matter when the invaders come, they will be wiped out clean.不管侵略者什么时候来,都必被消灭。They confronted the invaders at the shore.他们在海岸抵抗侵略者。The invaders looted, burned houses and committed other excesses as they marched through the countryside.侵略军穿过乡村地区时劫掠放火,并犯有其他残暴罪行。The invaders have ended their occupation of large parts of the territories.侵略者结束了他们对大部分领土的占领。The country's manhood was called upon to fight the invaders.这个国家号召男子去同入侵者作战。They fought back with a fierce determination that surprised the invaders.他们以坚定的决心进行反击,让入侵者措手不及。Our army lambasted the invaders on the border.我军在边境狠揍入侵者。The invaders rampaged across the country dealing death and destruction everywhere.侵略者在这个国家四处横行,肆意屠杀蹂躏。The city's defenses were not strong enough to keep out the invaders.这座城市的防御工事不够坚固,难以阻止入侵者。The town lay at the mercy of the invaders.全城只好听凭入侵者发落。The rich provinces of Asia Minor were plundered by the invaders.小亚细亚的富饶地区遭到侵略者的劫掠。The invaders sacked the village.入侵者洗劫了村庄。The invaders didn't bring the people to their knees, instead, they brought the people to their feet.入侵者并没有使人民屈服,相反倒使人民奋起反抗。They drove off the invaders.他们赶走了入侵者。The invaders laid waste the entire countryside.入侵者毁掉了整个乡村地区。 The invaders descended on the village without warning. 侵略者毫无预兆地袭击了这个村落。The strong fortress mocked the invaders.坚强的堡垒使入侵者只能望洋兴叹。Hundreds of people were slaughtered by the invaders.侵略者屠杀了成百上千人。They vowed to fight the invaders of their homeland.他们发誓要与入侵他们家园的侵略者做斗争。The invaders sacked every village they passed on their route.侵略者洗劫了他们途经的每个村庄。This pass was the door through which the invaders poured into the country.这个关口就是入侵者源源涌进这个国家的通道。Heavy fire greeted the invaders.迎接侵略者的是猛烈的炮火。




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