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词汇 in two
例句 We renovated the house in two stages.我们分两个阶段整修了房子。He tore the paper in two.他把纸撕成了两半。The rules state that samples must be enclosed in two watertight containers.规则要求样品必须装在两个防水容器里。He snapped the stick in two.他喀嚓一声将棍子折成两半。The report was divided in two parts.报告分为两部分。A long book may be published in two or more volumes.一部篇幅长的书可分两卷或多卷出版。He painted four large canvases in two days.两天里他画了四幅大油画。The case was tried in two jurisdictional district courts.这个案件在两个不同的管辖区法院受审。He starts basic in two months.两个月后他开始基本训练。He has an appointment with the doctor in two days' time.他约好了两天后去看医生。They cut the cake in two and ate half each.他们把蛋糕分成两块,每人吃半块。My order was delivered in two shipments.我的订单分两批运送。He got there in two minutes flat.他到达那里只用了两分钟整。The band completed a whirlwind tour of North America in two months.这支乐队在两个月内完成了在北美的旋风式巡回演出。I suppose delivery in two days is pretty fast, really.我认为两天内送到确实是相当快了。The boys were marching in two parallel lines.男孩子们正排成两行平行队列行进。The country was cleaved in two by civil war.这个国家经过内战分裂成了两部分。After initial delays, construction on the new library is due to start in two weeks.经过最初的耽搁,新图书馆的建造工程预定于两周后展开。I'll be with you in two seconds.我一会儿就和你会合。There's not a whole lot to see, so you can do the city in two or three days.没有多少好看的,所以你花两三天就可以游览完这个城市了。When I pulled at the board, it broke in two and fell down.我拉那块木板时,它断成两截并掉了下来。She broke the bar in two and gave a piece to me.她把糖块掰成两半给了我一块。I had it all explained to me in two minutes flat.我用了两分钟就让人把一切都向我解释清楚了。We'll be screening his latest film in two weeks.我们将在两周后放映他的最新影片。In a severe gale the ship split in two.在一次大风中,船断成了两截。The teacher snapped the chalk in two and gave me a piece.老师把粉笔折成两段,给了我一段。The board split in two.木板裂成了两块。He sweated out his composition in two hours.他花了两个小时费力地写完了作文。The party is the day after tomorrow. = The party is in two days.聚会定在后天。Slice the eggs in two and arrange them on a serving dish.把这些蛋切成两半后在餐盘上排好。Soldiers stand in two separate ranks.士兵们分前后两列站着。The paint will dry in two days.油漆两天会变干。Harry lapped in two minutes.哈里两分钟跑完一圈。The pitcher gave up three base hits in two innings.这个投手在两局之内让对方打了三个安打。The artist works in two media/mediums, pencil and watercolor.这位画家用铅笔和水彩两种材料创作。The police officer just brought in two suspicious characters.警官刚才逮捕了两个嫌疑人。I told her I was shipping out in two days.我告诉她两天后我将乘船出国。If you fold the letter in two, it will fit into the envelope.你要是把信纸对折,就可以装进信封了。Our money doubled in two years.我们的钱在两年后增加了一倍。The region can be reached in two hours by air from Sydney.从悉尼坐飞机不到两个小时就可以到达这个地区。




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