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例句 The designer is introducing a new line of clothes.设计师将推出新款式服装。The federal government is introducing tough new rules to control immigration.联邦政府正在推行严格的移民管制新规定。He started out by introducing himself.他一开始先做了自我介绍。He held the opinion that a government should think before introducing a tax.他认为政府在开征新税前应仔细斟酌。They're trying to bring the restaurant back to life by introducing a new menu.他们推出了新菜单,想让餐馆生意再火起来。The England selectors must start introducing young blood.英格兰队的人才选拔委员会必须着手引入一些新生力量。Opposition leaders accused the government of introducing a guillotine motion to stifle debate.反对党领袖指责政府用规定辩论时限的动议来压制辩论。Many commentators doubted the political wisdom of introducing a new tax.许多评论家怀疑开征一项新税在政治上是否明智。It was a bit tricky introducing a blind date to my boss.给我老板介绍相亲对象有点棘手。I took his hand to make a big thing of introducing him to my mother.我拉着他的手,郑重其事地把他介绍给了我母亲。We're introducing a new range of beauty products specially designed for teenagers.我们正在推介一系列专为青少年设计的新美容用品。We are introducing new security vetting procedures.我们正在推行新的安全检查流程。The local authority is introducing new planning regulations.地方政府正在实施新的规划条例。The Minister gave a strong hint that the government were thinking of introducing tax concessions for mothers.部长明显地暗示政府正在考虑对母亲们实行税收减免。He started off by introducing himself.他一开始先做了自我介绍。My mother keeps introducing me to men she considers to be prospective husbands.母亲不停地给我作媒,把她认为合适的对象介绍给我。Let's not upset the apple cart by introducing new rules.我们不要引进新规则扰乱局面。She rambled for several minutes before introducing the main speaker.她先闲聊了几分钟,然后才介绍主讲人。The Council is introducing means tests for housing tenants.该委员会正在调查房屋租户的收入情况。Let's not complicate matters by introducing any more restrictions.我们不要再采用更多的限制把事情复杂化了。The Ambassador did the honors by introducing the guest speaker.那位大使尽主人之谊介绍了演讲嘉宾。The government is introducing new measures aimed at curbing inflation.政府正在采取新的措施,致力于抑制通货膨胀。She was very nervous about introducing James to her children, but they warmed to him immediately.她对向孩子们介绍詹姆斯紧张不已,但他们很快就对他产生了好感。Rafsanjani has been considering various ways of introducing some sanity into the currency market.拉夫桑贾尼一直考虑通过各种方式使货币市场趋于理性。The government is introducing special new measures to deal with prison riots and disturbances.政府正在采取新的特别措施应付监狱骚乱。The company has had a successful year and hopes to maintain its momentum by introducing new products.这家公司今年业绩很好,希望通过引进新产品保持这一势头。They wanted a delay in introducing the new law.他们想延期出台这项新的法律。They're introducing CCTV cameras in an attempt to cut street crime in the area.为了减少该地区的街头犯罪,他们安装了闭路电视摄像机。One school of thought argues that introducing stiffer penalties would bring the crime rate down.有一派人认为推行更严厉的刑罚会降低犯罪率。Some companies are introducing ethics into their corporate culture in a big way.一些公司正在把伦理道德大力引入它们的企业文化。They are introducing a system for dealing with enquiries from customers.他们正在推行一套处理客户查询的系统。We have streamlined the whole business by introducing a new computer system.我们引进了一个新的计算机系统,从而提高了整个公司的效率。We are introducing premium products to all our clients.我们向所有的客户介绍优质产品。We're introducing a new line of cosmetics.我们即将推出一个新的化妆品系列。He wasted no time in introducing himself.他赶忙作了自我介绍。The company is thinking of introducing medical tests for all employees.公司正考虑为所有员工安排体检。Renault are introducing three new models at the show.雷诺公司将在这次展会上推出三款新的车型。The England selectors must start introducing fresh blood.英格兰队的选拔委员们必须开始引进新生力量了。The management always consults with the workforce before introducing major changes.管理层在推行重大变革前总是与员工协商。




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