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词汇 in those days
例句 Students in those days lived the life of Riley.那时的学生们过着舒适安逸的生活。Biarritz was notorious in those days as a nest of spies.那时候,比亚里茨作为间谍的老巢声名狼藉。Where we use tractors, obviously they used carthorses in those days.显然,我们如今用拖拉机的地方,他们以前用的是役马。It wasn't easy to earn a living in those days.那时候谋生可不容易。I was so puffed up with my own importance in those days.那些日子我太妄自尊大了。They were easily shocked in those days.在那个年代,他们动不动就对一些事情看不顺眼。Political corruption was rife in those days.那时政治腐败成风。They knew how to get themselves up in those days.那时候,他们懂得打扮。No one knew in those days what caused the disease.当时没有人知道这种疾病的病因。Many writers in those days wrote under pseudonyms.那时候许多作家用笔名发表作品。They hadn't invented sequencers back in those days, had they?那时他们还没有发明出测序仪,是吧?It was a commonly held view in those days.在当时,这是个很寻常的看法。Every evening in those days the BBC played 'God Save The King'.那些日子里,英国广播公司每天晚上都会播放《天佑吾王》。My great grandfather earned £5 a week, which was a lot of money in those days.我的曾祖父当年一周挣五英镑,这在当时是很大一笔钱。Smoking, in those days, was not regarded as injurious to health.在那个时候,人们并不认为吸烟有害健康。Flared trousers were considered to be the height of fashion in those days.那时喇叭裤被认为是最时髦的服装。It took a lot of courage to cross the Rocky Mountains in those days.在那个年代穿越洛基山脉需要很大的勇气。!She was a looker in those days and turned heads whenever she went out.那时候,她是个美人儿,每次出门回头率都很高。Try to picture what life was like back in those days.试着想象一下那时生活的样子。Trade union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation.那个时候的工会领导与其说是一份职业,倒不如说是一种使命。We used to get paid £2 a week. That was a lot of money in those days.我们过去的薪水是一周两英镑,那时候这可是一大笔钱。His music was hot stuff back in those days.他的音乐在那个年代十分流行。Honesty was rather at a discount in those days.在那种年代,诚实很不吃香。Trades union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation.那时候的工会领导与其说是一份职业,倒不如说是一种使命。People had few amusements in those days.在那些日子里人们没什么娱乐活动。I frayed the edges of my jeans since that was the fashion in those days.我把牛仔裤的边儿磨毛了,在那个时代这样很时髦。They were fre-quently cursed in those days.在那个时候他们常常挨骂。Not many women went to university in those days, but Dorothy was a very determined woman.那时候很少有女性上大学,但是多萝西却是个决心非常大的女性。We were absolutely broke in those days. Now we're comparatively well off.那些日子,我们穷得一文不名。现在,我们相对而言富裕了些。Back in those days, we didn't have computers.那些日子,我们还没有电脑。I was a lot slimmer in those days.那段日子我苗条了不少。Women weren't expected to work in those days. The accepted pattern was marriage and motherhood.那时候女性是不该出去工作的。普遍被接受的模式就是结婚和生儿育女。A hundred dollars was a great deal of money in those days.一百美元在当时是一笔大数目。Only rich people were able to travel abroad in those days.那个时候只有富人才能出国旅游。Adventurism and deceit made up their foreign policy in those days.冒险主义和欺骗构成了他们那个时期的外交政策。We had almost no money in those days. I don't know how we managed.那些日子我们几乎没什么钱,我都不明白我们是怎么熬过来的。New Zealand cricket was an amateurish set-up in those days.新西兰板球运动在当时只是一种业余建制。One of the hazards of living in those days will include getting conked by spare rocket parts falling from the sky.生活在那些日子的危险事件将包括头部会被天空掉下来的火箭零件击中。There were no telephones in those days.那些日子没有电话。They suffered a great deal in those days.那时他们吃了不少苦。




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