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词汇 in the race
例句 She finished seventh in the race.她在赛跑中获得第七名。She finished seventeenth in the race.在这场赛跑中她排名第十七。I don't know if I'll be fit enough to take part in the race.我不知道自己的身体状况是否能参加赛跑。He came second in the race, but it was very close.他跑了第二名,不过差距很小。Her hopes of success in the race dwindled last night as the weather became worse.随着昨晚天气的恶化,她在比赛中获胜的希望减小了。His magnificent horse outlooked all the others in the race.他那匹骏马比参赛的其它所有的马都要好看。She jumped to an early lead in the race.赛跑开始不久她就领先了。The runner fell, but he showed his mettle by continuing in the race.短跑运动员摔倒了,但仍坚持不懈,体现出了他的毅力。I was next to last in the race.我在赛跑中排名倒数第二。The company is a strong contender in the race for the Scottish newspaper group.该公司是苏格兰报业集团的有力竞争者。He finished tenth in the race.他最后跑了第十名。He is set to pulverise his two opponents in the race for the presidency.他决心在总统竞选中彻底击垮他的两个对手。Our son finished twelfth in the race.我们的儿子在比赛中获得了第十二名。The runners reached the halfway mark in the race after 49 seconds.比赛四十九秒钟后赛跑选手抵达了中点。He will be the youngest runner in the race.他将是比赛中最年轻的选手。The boy fell behind his compeers in the race.在比赛中,这小男孩落到了他同伴的后面。He lags the others in the race.他在竞赛中落后于他人。Soon he fell behind in the race.很快他在赛跑中落在了后面。He beat us all in the race and then rubbed our noses in it.他在赛跑比赛中赢了我们所有人,之后就老拿这件事戳我们的痛处。Her time in the race was a personal best. 这次比赛的结果是她个人的最好成绩。She is a formidable opponent in the race for senator.她是参议员竞选中一位强有力的竞争者。She finished nineteenth in the race.她在这场比赛中得了第十九名。He finished twelfth in the race.他最后跑了第十二名。The leaders in the race were a considerable distance ahead.比赛中领跑者遥遥领先。She finished sixth in the race.她在比赛中获得了第六名。I set off at a snail's pace to conserve my energy for later in the race.比赛开始时我的速度很慢,目的是为比赛后半程保持体力。He finished next to last in the race.他跑步比赛得了倒数第二名。His boat reached ahead in the race.他驾驶的船在竞赛中努力争先。A car accident put paid to his chances of taking part in the race.一次汽车事故使他参加赛跑的机会成了泡影。They tussled for first place in the race.他们争夺比赛的第一名。She finished second in the race.她在赛跑中获得亚军。My horse was/finished last in the race.我的马在比赛中得了最后一名。She finished third in the race.她在赛跑中跑了个第三名。He came in a poor second in the race. 他在比赛中获得第二名,但成绩远远落后于第一名。The younger boys were not able to keep up in the race.年龄较小的男孩在比赛中跟不上。The British boat was the star performer in the race.英国赛船在比赛中是佼佼者。A runner from Kenya is in the lead in the race. 来自肯尼亚的选手在赛跑中领先。She pulled ahead in the race.比赛中她一马当先。I finished fourteenth in the race.我在比赛中排第十四名。Jan's decision not to take part in the race was very puzzling.简决定不参加赛跑令人十分费解。




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