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词汇 in the picture
例句 He's in the picture, but his face hasn't come out very clearly.照片上有他,但他的脸照得不是很清楚。I'll put you in the picture as soon as a final decision has been made.最终决议一旦定下来我立刻告知你。Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July.迈耶森在七月份消失后现在又掺和了进来了。After a brief separation, her boyfriend is back in the picture. 分手后不久她又开始和前男友约会了。The dove in the picture is a representation of peace.画中的鸽子象征着和平。The first thing that stands out in his speech is that he didn't put us in the picture at all about the war.他根本就没把战争的最新情况告诉我们,这是他讲话中最引人注目的地方。The man in the picture came alive as the artist worked.画家画着画着,画中人就渐渐显得栩栩如生了。The teacher dashed in the picture.老师匆忙地把那幅画画好了。Teachers meet regularly with parents to keep them in the picture about their child's progress.老师定期和家长们见面以便他们了解孩子的学习情况。The scene in the picture was eerily similar to what I had seen in my dream.怪异的是,照片里的情景和我的梦境很相似。She always wants to be in the picture.她什么事情都要了解。He's been away for several weeks, and we'd better put him in the picture at once.他已经离开几星期了,我们最好立即把情况告诉他。I can't see you in the picture.我在照片里看不见您。I'm just going now, but Keith will put you in the picture.我现在要走了,不过基思会给你解释的。Many of the details in the picture are blurred.照片中许多细节的地方都模糊了。She colored in the picture.她给这幅画上了色。The children in the picture look delicate and otherworldly, as though they had never run or played.照片上的孩子们看起来娇嫩纤弱、超凡脱俗,似乎从不乱跑乱叫。The caption misnamed the person in the picture.解说词把图片上这个人的名字弄错了。I use the radio to keep me in the picture about what's happening abroad.我一直靠听收音机来关注国外发生的事情。If you would move sideways to the left, I can get everyone in the picture.如果你能向左移一点儿,我就可以把所有人都拍进照片里。Her head is tilted at a slight angle in the picture.照片中她的头有点歪。His lawyer put him in the picture about what had happened since his arrest.他的律师告诉了他在他被捕之后发生的一切。The wild card in the picture is Eastern Europe.整个局势中的变数是东欧。The wild card in the picture is eastern Europe.整个局势中的变数是东欧。The faces in the picture lack definition.照片中的面孔不清晰。Mike here can put you in the picture about how we run the office.在这里,迈克会让你了解我们是如何管理公司的。




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