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词汇 as a man
例句 The young in particular see him as a man who will not sell out or be debased by the compromises of politics.年轻人更是把他看作一位坚持原则、不会为了政治上的妥协而卑躬屈膝的人。They described him as a man of keen intellect.他们把他描述成一个才思敏捷的人。A certain graceful ease marks him as a man who knows the world.他身上某种优雅自在的风度表明他是个见过世面的人。The press has portrayed him as a man who relishes a row.报界把他描绘成一个爱争吵的人。We pegged him as a man of action.我们认定他是个实干家。She saw him as a visionary, but her father saw him as a man who couldn't make a living.她认为他是一个有眼光的人,但是她父亲却认为他没有谋生的能力。He postured himself as a man of the people.他装成一副人民公仆的模样。He wants to prove just how much he has matured both as a player and as a man.他想证明自己作为一名运动员及作为一个男人,成熟了多少。The members of the committee described Gates as a man of keen intellect.委员会委员把盖茨描述为才智过人。She disguised herself as a man.她将自己乔装成男人。He comes across as a man with a bluff exterior who, beyond that, is difficult to get to know.他给人感觉是一个直来直去的人,但内心却让人捉摸不透。She disguised herself as a man by a false beard.她戴上假胡子女扮男装。An organically sound woman can cycle with as much impunity as a man.一个身体健全的女子完全可以像男人一样安然无恙地骑自行车。She disguised herself as a man with a false beard.她戴上假须女扮男装。I have always regarded him as a man of integrity.我一向认为他是个正直的人。Tansey described his client as a man of previous good character who came from a decent family.坦西把他的客户描述成一个出生于体面家庭、以往品格良好的人。Lee has an unblemished reputation as a man of honor and principle.讲信义、讲原则,李的名声是无可指摘的。We've always regarded him as a man of integrity and high professional competence.我们一向认为他是个品行端正、专业能力很强的人。It was just such a tug as a man in the dark warmth of morning sleep feels it to leave the pillow.就像让人早晨从昏暗温暖的睡梦中离开枕头,真是一番苦苦挣扎。The decision stamped him as a man of honor.这个决定表明他是品德高尚的人。She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield.她女扮男装,这样她就能上战场了。Such generous actions stamped him as a man of honour.这些慷慨行为说明他是一个君子。He still wants to present himself as a man of the people, above partisan politics.他还是想表现为一个超越党派政治、全心为人民的人。He inspires affection and respect as a man of unquestionable integrity.他无可争议的忠诚正直赢得了人们的爱戴和尊敬。He was as mentally alert as a man half his age.他像年龄小他一半的人一样机警。




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