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词汇 in the background
例句 There is classical music playing in the background.背景里有古典音乐在播放。There was a radio on in the background.隐约能听到收音机的声音。The mountains in the background were capped with snow.背景中的群山山顶覆盖着白雪。He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant deal with the press.他宁愿留在幕后而让助手去应付媒体。The computers were humming in the background.计算机在背景中嗡嗡作响。Objects in the foreground are drawn larger than those in the background.前景中的物体画得比背景中的物体大一些。Somewhere in the background you can just hear a band playing.你能听到远处什么地方有个乐队在演奏。I pressed the mute on my phone so she couldn't hear the people talking in the background.我按下手机上的静音按钮,这样她就不会听到背景中别人的说话声了。The software was automatically updated in the background while we continued to work on the data.在我们处理数据的过程中软件在后台自动升级。This threat always lurks somewhere in the background.这一威胁总是潜藏在某个看不见的地方。People shopped as ambient music played in the background.人们在舒缓的背景音乐中选购商品。I thought I could hear an ambulance siren in the background.我仿佛听到远处有救护车的鸣笛声。Jo does the publicity work, while Ed stays very much in the background.乔做宣传工作,而埃德则主要做幕后工作。Objects in the foreground seem larger than those in the background.前景的物体似乎比背景的物体大。Susan was hovering in the background, uncertain what to do.苏珊在幕后走来走去,不知如何是好。The shy boy effaced himself by staying in the background.那害羞的孩子躲在后面不让人注意。The shy girl kept in the background.那个怕羞的女孩一直躲在不引人注意的地方。The choic chanted in the background.唱诗班在幕后唱歌。The engines whined softly in the background.发动机在背后发出轻微的嘎嘎声。Palm trees swayed in the background.棕榈树在背后摇曳。He could hear her dog barking and whining in the background.他能听到她的狗在远处吠叫、哀嚎。We live next door to a busy street and there is always a constant level of noise in the background.我们的家紧邻着一条热闹的大街,街上传来的噪音持续不断。It was hard to enjoy the music because I could hear a dog barking in the background.因为有狗叫的干扰声,我很难欣赏这个音乐。Rosemary likes to stay in the background.罗斯玛丽不喜欢抛头露面。One of the tiny figures in the background is a man on horseback.背景中那些小小人影之一是一个骑马的男人。He was a shy man who always tried to keep/stay in the background. 他性格腼腆,总是尽量避免招人注意。He was lurking slyly in the background.他狡猾地躲在背后活动。He took a picture of me with the pavilion in the background.他以那个亭子为背景给我照了一张相片。I could see my secretary hovering in the background.我看得见我的秘书在不被人注意的地方踱来踱去。The refrigerator hummed in the background.冰箱在后边嗡嗡作响。Classical music played softly in the background.背景音乐播放的是柔和的古典音乐。There was a scuffling noise in the background.背景中有窸窸窣窣的脚步声。While I was on the phone with Julie, I could hear the sound of a television in the background.我和朱莉通电话时能隐约听见电视机的声响。I could hear music in the background, but the tune was difficult to place.我能听见背景音乐,却想不起是哪首曲子。As the curtain rises, a rustic festival is in progress in the background.幕起时,一场乡村的节庆活动正在舞台后部进行着。A saxophone wailed in the background.背景音乐是悠长的萨克斯管演奏声。Music played softly in the background.背景里播放着柔和的音乐。I didn't want to steal her glory, so I stayed in the background.我不想抢她的荣誉,所以我待在幕后。She has a lot of power, but likes to remain in the background.她的权力很大,但是喜欢隐身幕后。A TV was flickering in the background.电视机在背景处忽明忽暗。




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