例句 |
Most people would have been very nervous in that situation, but she never turned a hair.大多数人在那种情况下都会很紧张,但她却丝毫不慌乱。Untypically for a man in that situation he became interested in Buddhism.他在那种情况下对佛教产生兴趣并不稀奇。Untypically for a man in that situation, he became interested in Buddhism.稀奇的是,他在那种情况下对佛教产生了兴趣。I wouldn't have the first idea about what to do in that situation.我若遇此情形就会无所适从。She did what any other smart person might've done in that situation.她做了任何一个聪明人在那种情况下都会做的事。 |