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词汇 as a child
例句 I read a lot as a child, but my daughter, by contrast, just seems interested in television.我小时候读了许多书,我女儿相比之下仿佛只对电视感兴趣。Innocence is often personified as a child.天真无邪常常拟人化地被表现为儿童形象。Inhibition in adulthood seems to be very clearly a reflection of a person's experiences as a child.一个人成年期的情感压抑似乎很明显是其童年时期经历的反映。She was quite an athlete as a child.她从小体育就很好。I was tall and clumsy as a child, so I avoided sports.我小时候个子高而笨拙,因此避免体育运动。I used to go there frequently as a child.我还是孩子的时候经常到那里去。She was sexually abused as a child.她小时候遭到过性虐待。She loved singing as a child.她小时候喜欢唱歌。I was not sexually abused as a child.我小时候未受过性虐待。Then she spoke as a child , but now she is speaking as an adult.那时候她以孩子的身份来讲话,但现在她站在成人的立场在讲话。She was very inquisitive as a child.她孩提时喜欢刨根问底。She was very bashful as a child.她小的时候很害羞。She read little as a child, but seems to be making up for lost time.她小时候读书不多,现在似乎正在把失去的时间补回来。He accused his mother of smothering him as a child.他指责母亲把他当作孩子来溺爱。She had been stricken with polio as a child.她小时候得过小儿麻痹症。She was blinded as a child in a terrible fire.她小时候在一场可怕的火灾中失明了。I was never fond of gooseberry fool as a child.我从小就不喜欢奶油醋栗泥。She has always remained faithful to the values she learned as a child.她始终坚守从小就学到的价值观。I was afraid of the dogs, having been bitten by an Alsatian as a child.我怕狗,小时候被一只德国牧羊犬咬过。Even as a child she was manipulative and knew how to get her own way.她还是个孩子的时候就喜欢控制他人,知道如何达到目的。My first ambition as a child was to be in the circus.孩提时,我的第一个目标就是要进马戏团。Her dream of owning farm was born when she visited the countryside as a child.她小时候参观农村时就产生了拥有农场的梦想。Winfrey revealed on the air that she had been sexually abused as a child.温弗里在广播中透露她小时候受到过性侵犯。She was blonde as a child.她小时候是金发。He had had elocution lessons as a child to cure him of a stammer.他从小就参加了演讲技巧课程以矫正自己的口吃。He did not receive good mothering as a child.他小时候没有母爱。His house was the only settled home I had as a child.他的房子是我儿时唯一固定的家。Tina as a child was a replica of her mother.蒂娜小的时候和她妈妈简直一模一样。He had been badly maltreated as a child.他小时候曾被严重虐待。Even as a child,he found it difficult to mix in with other children.他就是在小时候也很难与其他小孩合得来。His feelings about divorce are colored by his own experience as a child.他对离婚的看法受到他儿时经历的影响。Don't treat your student as a child.别把你的学生当小孩看待。She was withdrawn as a child but is now more outgoing.她小时候害羞话少,但是现在开朗多了。His experiences as a child explain his inability to sustain relationships.他童年的经历可以解释他为何无法维持人际关系。He experienced severe hardships as a child.他在童年时饱尝艰辛。I always had to wear my sister's cast-offs as a child.小时候我一直得穿我姐姐的旧衣服。Catherine, who had been rather plain as a child, was now an attractive young woman.凯瑟琳小时候相貌平平,现已长成漂亮的年轻女子了。In her latest film, the story is told in reverse. We see the main character as an adult in the beginning and as a child at the end.在她的最新影片中,故事以倒叙形式讲述。我们看到的主人公在开头是成年人,在结尾是孩子。I returned to Canada and found once again the freedom I had known as a child.我回到加拿大,重新找到了孩提时代所熟悉的那种自由。Roger was hyperactive and inattentive as a child.罗杰小时候极度活跃,对什么事都不能专心。




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