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词汇 interviews
例句 The born-again actor often talks about his faith during interviews.那位演员皈依了基督教,经常在访谈中谈论他的信仰。He rarely consents to do interviews.他很少会答应接受采访。The first round of interviews only really serves to weed out the very weakest of applicants.第一轮面试实际上只是要淘汰那些实力最弱的申请者。The company is holding interviews for several new jobs.这家公司正在就几个新职位进行面试。Unfortunately, in interviews he comes across as being rather inarticulate.不幸的是,他在面试中碰巧表现得相当不善言辞。Sally always comes across well at interviews.萨莉在面试中总能给人留下良好的印象。Live interviews add zest and interest to otherwise dull research.现场采访会为原本沉闷的调查增添趣味和吸引力。He is a millionaire recluse who refuses to give interviews.他是个喜欢独处的百万富翁,不接受别人的采访。She's always been known as one of Hollywood's best/toughest interviews.她一向被公认为好莱坞最好/最难对付的受访者之一。There were some interesting interviews in the documentary.在纪录片中有一些有意思的访谈。The feature, as yet untitled, will include interviews plus live footage.这部尚未定名的故事片会看到采访画面和现场表演片段。In subsequent interviews, Steele has contradicted his original story.在随后的面谈中,斯蒂尔的说法与他原先的说法自相矛盾。Just before the strike she had done interviews about pit closures with miners' wives.就在罢工前,她就煤矿关闭一事采访了矿工的妻子们。She's an actress whose inner life has remained mysterious, despite the many interviews she has given.作为一名演员,她虽然接受过多次采访,但私生活依然很神秘。After his daughter's tragic death, he was hounded by media bottom feeders who demanded exclusive interviews.他的女儿不幸去世后,一些媒体为了争得独家专访而对他纠缠不休。Another qualification would give me a big advantage at job interviews.再有一项资格证书会使我在求职面试时占大优势。She's bought a very smart trouser suit for her job interviews.她为了求职面试买了一套漂亮的衣裤套装。We're about to start the second round of interviews for the post.我们正准备开始这个职位的第二轮面试。I asked the cameraman to give me some cutaways for the interviews.我让摄影师在采访时为我拍摄一些切换镜头。Any trawl through the band's interviews will reveal statements that are challenging and incisive.搜集该乐队的采访就会发现发人深思而又尖锐的言论。These interviews are fairly open-ended.这些采访相当轻松随意。The President wants everyone to be/get back on message when giving interviews.总统希望每个人在接受采访时都能表示支持政府的决策。The students did role-plays to practice for their interviews.为了准备面试,学生们进行了角色扮演。Quite a considerable number of interviews are going on.大量的采访在继续。Mr Sadler conducted interviews, and his girlfriend wrote them up.萨德勒先生进行采访,他的女朋友将采访内容整理成文。Months of rejections after job interviews sapped his confidence.几个月以来求职面试都被拒绝,这使他信心全无。The police must ensure that all interviews and interrogations are carried out according to the law.警方必须保证所有谈话和讯问都要依法进行。The television show prerecords most of its interviews.这档电视节目里的多数访谈是预先录制的。She got through to the final round of interviews.她进入了最后一轮的面试。She is in constant demand to make public appearances and give interviews.她不断地被邀约公开亮相,接受采访。Teachers often have to deal with tricky situations such as interviews with angry parents.教师经常得应付一些很麻烦的场面,如要与怒气冲冲的家长面谈。She's through to the next round of interviews.她通过了,可参加下一轮面试。The list was pared down for the final interviews.名单上的人数逐步减少,以确定最后面试人选。All police interviews are recorded and transcribed.警方所有的面谈都有录音和文字记录。The defence was that the records of the interviews were fabricated by the police.辩方观点是,问讯记录是警方捏造的。Collins was in a foul mood even before the interviews began.柯林斯在采访还没开始时就暴躁不安起来。We shall be conducting a series of in-depth interviews with economic experts.我们将对一些经济专家作一连串深入的采访。It is standard procedure to record the interviews.记录谈话是正规程序。Researchers identified themes from the content analysis of interviews.研究者从采访的内容中分析出几个主题。The book contains previously unpublished material, including extracts from diaries, letters and taped interviews.这本书含有以前未发表过的材料,包括日记、信件及录音访谈的节选。




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