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词汇 intently
例句 He was examining the stamps intently.他正在聚精会神地细看邮票。Gemma turned around and caught the stranger looking at her intently.杰玛转过身来,发现那个陌生人正紧盯着她看。His eyes blazed intently into mine.他凝视着我的眼睛。I could see a man staring at me intently.我能看到有个男人正专注地盯着我看。She listened intently to the music, losing herself in its beauty.她专注地听着音乐,完全沉浸在美妙的旋律之中。He listened intently, and responded favourably to both my suggestions.他听得很专注,对我的两个建议都表示赞成。She listened intently to the news report.她聚精会神地听新闻报道。He gazed intently at his watch.他目不转睛地盯着手表。We were glued to our chairs and listening intently to every word.我们动也不动地坐在椅子上仔细听每一个字。She gazed intently/longingly into his eyes.她目不转睛地/热切地注视着他的眼睛。The judge listened intently to the evidence.法官专心地听着证词。Mrs Singh leaned forward, listening intently as they explained the procedure to her.辛夫人身体向前倾着,专心地听他们向她解释手续。He listened intently, then slammed down the phone.他专心地听着,然后砰地挂上电话。He sat very erect, listening intently.他坐得笔直,专心地听着。He watched intently, devouring the scene before him with his eyes.他聚精会神地注视着眼前的场景。Conference participants were clearly enthused by their presence, and the two women responded by listening intently.她们的出席令与会者明显兴奋起来,作为回应这两位女士也专心倾听起来。Doran was clutching the bottle with both hands and sucking intently.多兰双手紧紧抓着瓶子尽情地喝着。He became aware that the man sitting opposite was staring at him intently.他开始意识到坐在对面的人在紧盯着他看。Sara kneeled next to her son, gazing intently up at him as he spoke.萨拉跪在儿子旁边,抬头注视着他,听他说话。We were glued to our chairs, listening intently to every word.我们像钉在椅子上似的,专心地听每一句话。He listened intently, his mobile face mirroring her fears.他专注地听着,从他脸色的变化可以看出她当时的恐惧。




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