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词汇 intentionally
例句 He never intentionally misrepresents.他从不故意说假话。You scored 60, but your teacher still flunked you. He did it intentionally, so to speak.你得了六十分,但是你的老师还是把你当掉。他可以说是故意不让你过。She's not intentionally unkind - she's just a little thoughtless sometimes.她不是故意不友好——她只是有时有点粗心。The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused.当地政府裁定他是有意居无定所,因此没有资格再获安排新住房。He said queer things at which one often could not help but laugh, but he said them without intentionally offering them as witticisms.他讲些奇妙的事情让人禁不住笑,可他并没刻意地将它们当俏皮话来说。He is being intentionally unpleasant.他是在故意闹别扭。I didn't do it intentionally.我并不是故意的。The quarterback was penalized for intentionally grounding the ball.四分卫因故意掷地滚球被判罚。The mayor denied intentionally misleading the public and proclaimed his innocence.市长否认他是在故意误导公众,并声明自己是清白的。The article is intentionally provocative and looks likely to cause a stir.这篇文章有意引人争论,看来很可能会引起轰动。He would never intentionally harm his children.他绝不会故意伤害自己的孩子。Investigators suspect that the fire was set intentionally.调查人员怀疑有人故意纵火。The figures are intentionally misleading.这些数字是在有意误导。The test is intentionally designed to trick students.这项测试是故意设计用来欺骗学生的。I've never intentionally hurt anyone.我从未故意伤害过任何人。I'm surprised that he should intentionally be so rude to you.他竟然故意对你如此无礼,这让我很意外。I don't believe that he intentionally killed her.我不相信他故意杀害了她。Did it happen accidentally or intentionally?那是个意外还是有人故意这么做的?The jury had to decide whether he killed John Bishop intentionally or whether it was an accident.陪审团得裁定他是故意杀害约翰·毕晓普的,还是这属于意外事件。The paper had the intentionally provocative title, 'Non-Darwinian evolution'.该论文的标题为《非达尔文的进化论》,有故意挑衅之意。Advertisements intentionally present a one-sided view.广告会故意作片面的宣传。




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