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词汇 intact
例句 The glasses remained intact after being dropped.那些玻璃杯坠地后依然完好无损。The battlements on which they had fought to defend their city are still intact.这个他们为了保卫自己的城市而在上面战斗过的设有枪砲眼的城垛仍然完好无损。Few buildings survived the war intact.这场战争后没有几幢建筑是完好的。Evans came out of the affair with his dignity intact.埃文斯从这起桃色事件中脱身,尊严没有受到损害。The building survived almost intact.这座建筑几乎完好无损地度过了劫难。The mill machinery is still intact.磨坊里的机器依然完好无损。After the explosion, nothing of the walls or vaulting remained intact.爆炸发生之后,没什么墙壁或拱顶是完好无损的。The toys have to be intact in their original boxes or they're not worth anything.玩具要完整无缺地放在原装盒内,不然就不值钱了。The explosion damaged the bridge, but the substructure remained intact.爆炸摧毁了大桥,但桥墩仍完好无损。Everybody believed that the missing plane was buried under the sea. Well, here is the zinger that it is still alive in some remote island and all the passengers are intact.每个人都认为那架飞机沈入海底了。令人震惊的消息是,它还好好地存在于一个海岛上,而且所有的乘客都还活著。To preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir.为了保持这个农场的完整,他将它移交给一个继承人。Despite the bombing, the house was still intact.尽管受到轰炸,房子仍完好无损。She refused his offer tactfully, allowing him to go away with his pride intact.她很得体地拒绝了他的提议,让他能不失面子地离开。We found fossils of lobsters with their antennae intact.我们发现了触须完好的龙虾化石。The building remains more or less intact.这座建筑基本上完好如初。If the family unit is still intact, the patient frequently does very well.如果家庭仍然完整,病人常常恢复得很好。The house survived the war intact.这幢房子在经历了战争之后依旧完好无损。It's difficult to emerge from such a scandal with your reputation still intact.经历这样的丑闻难保你的名声不受损害。The delicate package arrived intact.内放精致易碎物品的包裹完好无损地到达。The bones had all been preserved intact.所有的骨骼都完好无损。When the bags arrive at the carousel, you should immediately determine if the locks are still intact.行李到了传送带上之后,你应该立即确认锁是不是完好无损。The body of the aircraft remained intact after the crash.飞机失事后机身保持完好无损。The collection should be kept completely intact.收藏品应当保持完整无缺。Having an intact nuclear family does not guarantee that a child will turn out well.有个完整的核心家庭并不能保证培养出来的孩子就一定好。They are fighting to keep village life intact.他们在为保护乡村生活不受破坏而奋斗。He emerged from the trial with his reputation intact.他经历了审讯,名望丝毫未受损。The church was destroyed in the bombing but the altar survived intact.教堂在轰炸中被毁,但神坛却完好无损。Ideas and customs used to be passed on intact down the generations.以前,观念和习俗原封不动地代代相传。The character of the original house is very much intact.老房子原来的特色几乎原封不动地保留下来了。His leadership kept the team's esprit de corps intact during difficult periods.他的领导使得这个团队在困难时期仍保持团队精神。They tried their best to keep their cultural integrity intact.他们竭尽全力保持自己的文化完整无损。Most of the cargo was left intact after the explosion.大部分货物在爆炸发生后都完好无损。They have managed to keep their cultural integrity intact.他们设法保护自己文化的完整性不被破坏。Our furniture survived the long journey more or less intact.我们的家具经过这次长途旅程,基本上没受到损坏。She lives off the interest and tries to keep the principal intact.她靠利息过日子,尽量不动用本金。Her vital organs are intact and she has a good chance of recovery.她的重要器官未受损伤,所以复原的机会很大。He needed a way to retreat with his dignity intact.他需要一条可不失尊严的退路。Bombs fell on the streets, destroying neighbouring homes, but leaving the school intact.炸弹落到街上,炸毁了附近的住房,但学校完好无损。His reputation remained intact.他的声誉仍然完好无损。Our policy of not making concessions to terrorists remains intact .我们不向恐怖分子妥协的政策依然不变。




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