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词汇 insult
例句 The bank not only refused to refund the money but, to add insult to injury, charged me for the letter telling me so!银行不但拒绝退钱给我,还要在伤口上撒一把盐,就连通知我的这封信也要向我收费!He resolved to avenge the insult on the boss.他决意为受辱向老板进行报复。Only a complete twit would insult his hosts.只有十足的傻瓜才会侮辱主人。If I didn't finish this meal it would be an insult to your superb cooking.如果我不吃完这餐饭,那就是不尊重你的超凡厨艺。The tone rendered the statement an insult.说话用这种调子听起来使人感到受辱。She was seething at the insult.听到这些辱骂,她愤怒不已。I didn't mean to insult you.我不是故意要侮辱你。This invasion was a hideous insult to their flag.这次入侵是对他们国家骇人听闻的侮辱。He suffered insult and indignity in silence.他默默地忍受着羞辱。She spat the name out like an insult.她像骂人似的说出了那个名字。Not content with disrupting the meeting, he then proceeded to insult the chairman.他打断了会议还不满足,接着又开始侮辱主席。The memory of that insult still stings.回想起那次受辱仍然令人心痛。The insult hit the mark as she intended.这番侮辱起到了她想要的效果。She shot a retort to the insult.她因受辱而立即加以回击。They insult us by ignoring our complaints.他们对我们的投诉不理不睬,这是在侮辱我们。She misunderstood what I said, and took it as an insult.她误解了我说的话,把它当作一种侮辱。He finds it hard to forgive an insult.他发现侮辱是难以原谅的。I won't insult your intelligence by lying. Yes, I told him.我不想撒谎来侮辱你的智力。 是,我告诉他了。It was an insult which only Cassio's death could avenge.那种耻辱只有把卡西奥杀死才可以报仇雪恨。We started off late; to add insult to injury, our car broke down on the way.我们出发得晚,更糟的是,我们的汽车又在路上抛了锚。The comment was not intended to be an insult.这一评论并无羞辱之意。The girl's father claimed the portrait revealing his daughter's face was an insult to Islam.女孩的父亲称这幅画展示了他女儿的面孔,这对其家族是一个侮辱。They told me I was too old for the job, and then to add insult to injury, they refused to pay my expenses!他们说我太老了,做不了这个工作。更让人受不了的是,他们还拒绝支付我的费用!She remained stoic even as he continued to insult her.即便是他继续辱骂她,她依旧默默承受。His wife had many affairs, even, adding insult to injury, with his best friend.他的太太有很多的婚外情,更糟的是跟他最好的朋友。Don't insult my intelligence by making ridiculous excuses.不要编造荒唐的借口来侮辱我的智慧。I managed to pass off his insult.我终于没去理会他的侮辱。He bristled at the insult.他对这样的侮辱感到愤怒。He wanted to return the insult, but bit his lip in order to avoid a scene.他本想回骂,但咬咬嘴唇按下了怒气以避免当众大闹。Their manner of expression was exceedingly arrogant and the resulting insult to our national dignity was not small.他们的表达方式极为傲慢,结果给我们的民族尊严造成了不小的损害。He spat out an insult and marched out of the room.他一边大步走出房间,一边骂了句脏话。Of course it wasn't meant as an insult. It was just a figure of speech.当然,这么说并不是要侮辱谁,只是打个比方。An insult like that isn't easy to forgive.那种侮辱是无法轻易原谅的。I said something about her new hairstyle and she took it as an insult.我就她的新发型说了几句话,她把我的话当作是侮辱。Most people were forced to work longer hours each week, and to add insult to injury, the company decided not to give pay raises.多数人被迫每周延长工时,更糟糕的是,公司还决定不给加薪。Even direct insult did not disturb his equanimity.甚至直截了当的侮辱也不曾扰乱他的平静。He is not a man to suffer insult.他可是个不容侮辱的人。George lost his cool at the insult.面对侮辱,乔治再也沈不住气。The way pupils use sexually abusive language to insult each other presents particular problems for teachers.学生们使用下流脏话互相辱骂给教师带来了难题。Connie decided that discretion was the better part of valour and let the insult go unanswered.康妮决心谨慎为上,没有理会那句辱骂。




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