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词汇 instruction
例句 We offer tutorial instruction for test preparation.我们提供备考辅导。Their instruction was to deliver the package by five o'clock.他们的指令是五点钟以前送到包裹。You should read each instruction carefully.你应该仔细阅读每条操作指南。The instruction manuals that accompany new computer software are often difficult to understand.随新电脑软件附送的使用手册常常很难看懂。The police were under instruction to fire if necessary.警察得到指示,在必要的情况下可以开枪。The two-day course features instruction by leading professionals and academics.为期两天的课程主要由知名教授和学者讲授。You can often get free instruction at your local community college.当地社区学院经常有免费课程供大家选听。Young drivers come to us for instruction in safe and skilful driving.年轻的司机到我们这里来接受安全和熟练驾驶的指导。The information is for the instruction of passengers.这些信息意在为乘客提供指导。The medium of instruction throughout the course is English.整个课程使用英语教学。The students generously gave them instruction in social responsibility.学生们不厌其烦地为他们讲解什么是社会责任。He claimed that he was not capable of giving instruction in poetry.他称自己没有能力讲授诗歌方面的课程。The trainees work at their machines under instruction from a supervisor.学员在主管的指导下操作机器。This technique brings life to instruction and eases assimilation of knowledge.这一方法给教学带来了活力,也使知识的吸收变得容易了。He gave the instruction for the document to be sent by messenger.他下令由通信员送出文件。She had no formal instruction in music.她没有受过正式的音乐指导。English is the medium of instruction in many African countries.英语是许多非洲国家的教学语言。This group of trainees is still under instruction.这组实习生还在受训。We lost the instruction manual and couldn't put our bikes together.我们弄丢了安装手册,没法把我们的自行车安装好。The experts were on hand to offer instruction on the important steps.专家们在现场指导重要舞步的跳法。In Sierra Leone, English is the medium of instruction.在塞拉利昂,英语是教学语言。Please message the instruction by cable.请用电报传送使用须知。This ground-breaking work is shrouded in secrecy on the instruction of the company's lawyers.在公司律师的指示下,这项突破性的研究被保密了起来。The judge's instruction bore hard upon the prisoner.法官对陪审团所作的最后法律要点说明对于在押被告十分不利。Another discouragement, for a child without any linguistic ability, was the use of Irish as the medium of instruction in the school.对于没有任何语言能力的孩子而言,另一件使人泄气的事情便是学校里用爱尔兰语教学。I need to see the instruction manual.我需要参考下使用手册。Since it is an instruction, I will carry it out.既然是命令,我遵照执行。Music instruction is slowly being squeezed out of the curriculum.音乐课慢慢地被挤出了课程设置。Online instruction is a useful adjunct to the real thing.线上教学是对真人面对面教学的有用的辅助。Each candidate is given instruction in safety.向每位申请人都讲授了安全知识。I had to refer to the instruction booklet.我得查查说明手册。Two lawyers were told not to leave the building but no reason for this instruction was given.两名律师被告知不得离开大楼,但对这一命令并没有提供任何理由。English is still the main medium of instruction in Nigeria.在尼日利亚英语仍然是主要的教学媒介语言。He pantomimed an exit instruction to the nurse.他示意护士出去。He takes instruction very well.他能很好地领会指导意见。The worst part of the set-up is the poor instruction manual.安装时最糟糕就是操作指南讲述不够清楚。She believes that too much instruction constrains an artist's creativity.她认为,过多的教导会束缚艺术家的创造力。English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school.英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。Half an hour's instruction from an experienced horse-rider is much better than anything you can learn from a book.从一位经验丰富的骑师那里得到半小时的指导,比任何从书本学到的知识都要好得多。The instruction manual includes a section on troubleshooting to help you with any simple problems you might have with the TV.产品说明书中包括“排忧解难”这一节,旨在帮助你解决使用电视机时可能遇到的简单问题。




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