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词汇 instructed
例句 He had instructed the slaves what to say when questioned.他指示奴隶们当受到盘问时要说些什么。As instructed, I cut my lifeline to the bank and leapt into unproven waters.像指示的那样,我把我的生命线系到了银行上跳进了这未知的领域里。The new students were instructed in proper dress and deportment.新生接受了得体着装和仪态方面的指导。He instructed switchboard staff to divert all Laura's calls to him.他让总机接线员将劳拉所有的电话都转给他。You were explicitly instructed to wait here.已明确告诉你就在此等候。The judge instructed him to frame the question differently.法官让他用不同的方式说明这个问题。The pilot was instructed to change his flight path.飞行员接到了改变飞行路线的指示。We were instructed to remain in our seats.对我们的要求是坐在原位不动。He instructed his counsel to file bankruptcy proceedings.他通知自己的律师提起破产诉讼。Dodd made no appeal of his death sentence and, further, instructed his attorney to sue anyone who succeeds in delaying his execution.多德没有对自己的死刑判决提起上诉,而且他还要求自己的律师起诉任何成功使得这一死刑暂缓执行的人。He instructed me to stand watch to ensure that the place of meeting was safe.他命令我站岗以保证会场安全。President Nixon's staff were instructed to close ranks in response to the Watergate arrests.就针对水门事件的逮捕行动的回应,尼克松总统的幕僚奉命要口径一致。He has instructed in the public schools for many years.他在公立学校已任教多年。An instructed delegate was sent to the convention.一名特命代表被派参加大会。She instructed us to wait outside.她吩咐我们在外面等候。Employees are instructed how to make a complaint.雇员接受如何投诉的训练。The family has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation.那家人已经委托律师起诉汤姆森,要求赔偿。The instructed person is usually tolerant.有教养的人通常宽容待人。She instructed us that we were to remain in our seats.她命令我们坐在原位不动。He'd visited the Fatherless and Widows in their affliction, the way the Gospels instructed.他已经遵照福音书的指示,探访了悲痛的失怙孩童和寡妇。The police have been instructed to keep an eye out for pickpockets at the fair.遵照指示,警察在展览会期间警戒小偷。He instructed family members in nursing techniques.他教给家人护理技巧。My agent has instructed me that you still owe me $150.我的代理人告诉我你还欠我一百五十美元。The pilot was instructed to fly the plane to Montreal airport.飞行员接到指令将飞机开往蒙特利尔机场。We were instructed to keep a lookout for enemy aircraft.我们接到命令要密切注意敌机。The judge instructed jurors to disregard this information.法官指示陪审员不要理会这一信息。She instructed us to remain in our seats.她命令我们坐在原位不动。His secretary was instructed to cancel all his engagements.他的秘书接到指示,取消他所有的约会。We are all aware of the impossibility of not thinking about an elephant when instructed not to do so.我们都知道,越说不要想到大象,越不可能不去想它。The family has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation.那家人已经指示律师起诉汤姆森,要求赔偿。His friend instructed him in English.他的朋友教他英语。I took the antibiotics as instructed.我按照说明服用了抗生素。I have been instructed to take you to London.我奉命把你带到伦敦去。We were instructed to report any suspicious activity/behavior in the neighborhood.我们接到指令,要求报告街区出现的任何可疑活动/行为。He made his way to the marketplace, as he had been instructed to do.他按照指示去了市场。The police were instructed to break up the demonstration and arrest the ringleaders.警方奉命驱散示威群众,逮捕为首的人。The person who instructed you obviously didn't know much about map-reading!教你的人显然不怎么懂得看地图!The captain instructed them to abort the mission.上尉指示他们中止执行任务。I was instructed that £20,000 had been paid into my account.我得到通知已有两万英镑存入我的账户。He instructed staff to shred sensitive documents.他吩咐员工将机密文件用碎纸机销毁。




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