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词汇 in several
例句 Glass must be packed in several layers of paper.玻璃必须用纸层层包裹。The company has tried to cut costs in several areas.这家公司已努力在几个方面削减开支。Fairy tales can be interpreted in several different ways.童话故事可以从不同的角度去解释。He has been mixed up in several shady deals with arms dealers.他卷入了几宗与军火商的地下交易。The unusually heavy rain caused flash floods in several mountain villages.罕见的大暴雨导致几处山村骤发洪水。The party won at least one county, and ran a close second in several others.该党派至少在一个郡获胜,而在其他几个郡也和第一名相距甚微。The book is formatted in several different styles.这本书有几种风格迥异的版式。All the women were muffled up in several layers of clothing.所有的女士都裹了好几层衣服。Our trip to New York City will take in several museums. = We will take in several museums on our trip to New York City.我们的纽约之行包括参观几家博物馆。The organization is unusual in several respects.这个机构的特别之处体现在几个方面。She invested in several large industries.她在几个大的产业均有投资。The dovecot pigeon has become feral in several places.在某几个地方,鸽棚里的家鸽已恢复了野性。Prisoners in several jails have rioted in protest at their appalling conditions.数所监狱的囚犯发生暴乱,抗议他们极其恶劣的条件。The ladder metaphor works in several ways.梯子的隐喻有几重含义。This word can be used in several senses.这个词可以有几种释义。She appeared as an extra in several films, most notably `Evita'.她作为临时演员出演了好几部电影,最值一提的是《贝隆夫人》。The system is used in several European jurisdictions, for example, Germany and Holland.该制度在几个欧洲辖区,如德国和荷兰,得以使用。On closer examination the vases were found to be cracked in several places.经进一步检查发现,这些花瓶上有几处裂纹。She is involved in several artistic endeavors.她参与了几个艺术创作。His company operates in several countries.他的公司在几个国家有业务活动。He has controlling interests in several ventures.他握有好几家企业的控股股权。At Yalta, Russia and Ukraine made progress in several aspects of their bilateral relations.在雅尔塔,俄罗斯与乌克兰在双边关系的几个方面取得进展。Humans are unique among mammals in several respects.在哺乳动物中,人类有几方面非常特别。Government forces have been attacked by heavily armed paramilitary groups in several villages.政府军在几个村庄遭到了全副武装的准军事集团的袭击。He served the goverment in several capacities.他曾任政府中的几个职位。The firm has offices in several large cities, but does most of its business by mail.公司在几座大城市都设有办事处,不过大部分业务都通过邮政系统来实现。The carpet is available in several widths.这种地毯有好多种宽度。Louis costumed her in several subsequent films.路易斯在随后的几部电影中为她设计服装。The students tested out their cost-cutting ideas in several companies.学生们在几家公司试验了他们降低成本的构想。Computerized reservation systems help airline profits in several ways.电子订票系统通过多种方式帮助航空公司获利。Her papers have appeared in several different scientific journals.她的论文发表在几家不同的科学期刊上。The shot pierced his intestines in several places.子弹在好几处穿破了他的肠子。She has acted in several stagings of the play.她参与了这部剧的几场演出。Students took part in several nonviolent/peaceful demonstrations against the government.学生们参加了几次反政府的非暴力/和平示威游行。Full details about the company's plans will be announced in several months.该公司规划的全部细节将于几个月后公布。I sent in several reports but not one was published.我提交了好几篇报告,但一篇都没有发表。The car is available in several different styles.这种汽车有几种不同的款式供选择。The report found what it described as "unacceptable levels of air pollution" in several major cities.在几个大城市里都出现了这份报告所表述的“难以忍受的空气污染状况”。Under the stage name of Beverly Brooks, Patricia had small parts in several British films.帕特里夏以贝弗利·布鲁克斯的艺名在几部英国电影中饰演过小角色。The performance went too slowly in several places.演出中有几段太拖沓。




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