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词汇 insensitive to
例句 Companies that are insensitive to global changes will lose sales.对全球变化无动于衷的公司,其销售额必会下降。Years of abuse had made him insensitive to others' suffering.数年来遭受的虐待已使他对别人的痛苦麻木不仁。The women's movement is insensitive to the needs of individual women.女性运动对于妇女个体的需求无动于衷。The program was grossly insensitive to Holocaust victims.这个节目悍然不顾大屠杀中受害人的感受。He had become insensitive to cold.他对寒冷已经没有感觉了。However, UK imports seem to be almost entirely insensitive to the exchange rate these days.然而,目前英国的进口似乎基本不受汇率影响。Its physical properties are relatively insensitive to pressure changes.其物理性质对于压力的变化反应比较迟钝。Managers must not be insensitive to the needs of their employees.管理层一定不能无视雇员的需求。The government has been insensitive to the public's demands.政府一向漠视公众的需求。He was insensitive to public opinion.他对舆论反应不灵敏。An anaesthetic renders the body insensitive to pain.麻醉剂使身体无疼痛感觉。Doctors sometimes seem insensitive to their patients’ feelings.医生有时好像对病人的感受无动于衷。The machine is relatively insensitive to changes in the atmosphere.这种机器对大气变化的反应不太灵敏。The device renders the system insensitive to vibration.这个装置导致系统对振动反应迟钝。He was insensitive to the risks involved in starting a business.他对创业可能带来的风险浑然不觉。The service is insensitive to the needs of local people.这个政府部门对当地人的需求无动于衷。She's totally insensitive to Jack's feelings.她根本不理会杰克的感受。




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