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词汇 in red
例句 The girl in red is his younger sister.那个穿红衣服的女孩是他妹妹。His face was covered in red blotches, seemingly a nasty case of acne.他满脸红斑,像是起了很严重的粉刺。We had pears steeped in red wine for dessert.我们的餐后甜点是红酒浸梨。The boxer in red T-shirt whipped the opponent.穿红色T恤衫的拳击手打败了对手。A star was done in red stitching.用红线缝上了一枚星章。She curtained the windows in red velvet.她给窗装上了红丝绒窗帘。The company was drowning/awash in red ink. 公司负债累累。Do you like pears poached in red wine?你喜欢吃红葡萄酒煮的梨吗?A woman came into the room dressed in red from top to toe.一名女子走进屋子,从头到脚穿了一身红。The flag was barred in red and white.旗子缀有红白双色条纹。The brick houses are roofed in red tiles.这些砖房的屋顶是用红瓦盖的。In the fall the woods is a symphony in red, brown and yellow.在秋天,这些树林呈现一片和谐的红色,棕色和黄色。The book was bound in red leather.书被以红皮面装帧。All the important sentences in the article were picked out in red lines.文章中的所有重要句子均划有红线,使其突出。The project became hopelessly ensnared in red tape.这个项目严重陷入烦琐的程序中。Three lines of the first paragraph were underscored in red ink.第一段中有三行用红墨水在下面画了线。The photographs will look nice framed in red.这些相片镶以红色相框会很好看。The king was dressed in red robes.国王身穿红色长袍。I like the sound of the beef in red wine sauce.我喜欢牛肉浇红酒汁的感觉。My essay was covered in corrections in red ink.我的作文满是红笔修改痕迹。With your hair and your beautiful skin, you'd look good in red and other bright colors.以你的发色和漂亮的肤色,穿红色或者其他亮色的衣服会很好看的。All the mistakes had been underlined in red ink.所有的错处下面都用红笔画了线。Cut down on animal fats found in red meat, hard cheeses and so on.减少摄入存在于红色肉类、硬干酪等中的动物脂肪。She was disappointed to see her essay returned with a huge number of corrections in red ink.看到她的作文发下来时满篇都用红笔修改过,她很失望。The fabric is deeply tinted in red.织物染成深红色。Each volume is bound in red cloth.每一卷都采用红色的布面装帧。She circled her birthday in red on the calendar.她用红笔在日历上把自己的生日圈了起来。The overlap is marked in red.重叠处用红色标志出来了。The stern was embellished with carvings in red and blue.船尾饰有红色和蓝色的雕刻图案。All the seats were in red plush.所有座位都上了红色长毛绒面。She was dressed all in red.她穿着一身红。Mistakes are scored in red ink.错误处用红墨水笔标出。She was a vision in red velvet.她是个穿着红色天鹅绒衣服的美人。He had marked the route on the map in red .他用红色记号在地图上标出了路线。He refinished the table in red lacquer.他用红漆重饰桌面。




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