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词汇 in prison
例句 Ina is a bad girl so, natch, ends up in prison.艾娜是个坏女孩,后来自然就进了监狱。I'll try and explain to you what being in prison was like.我尽量跟你描述一下坐牢是怎么一种滋味。It was her faith in God that helped her survive the long years in prison.是她对上帝的信仰帮助她熬过了漫长的牢狱生涯。She spent her years in prison plotting her revenge.她坐了多年的牢,在牢中一直谋划复仇。Jensen's experience in prison left him hard-bitten, cynical, and ruthless.詹森在狱中的经历令他变得冷漠无情、愤世嫉俗、心狠手辣。He was left to rot in prison.任凭他在狱中苟延残喘。He knows I've been in prison and is holding it over me.他知道我曾坐过牢,便以此要挟我。He got ten years in prison for his part in the robbery.他因参与抢劫被判刑十年。The convicts awaited their fate in prison.已决犯在狱中等待着自己的命运。A term in prison will concentrate his mind wonderfully.一想到要被判刑,他的头脑就会变得非常清醒。Her pledge to remain faithful to him was his anchor when he was in prison.她对他忠贞不渝的保证是他服刑期间的精神支柱。The court sentenced him to life in prison.法庭判决他终身监禁。Time hangs heavy in prison.监狱里真是度日如年。He is in prison awaiting trial on drugs charges.他因被控毒品交易而在押候审。They put her in prison for forgery.他们以伪造罪把她送进了监狱。She was told that her husband was receiving harsh treatment in prison.她被告知自己的丈夫在狱中受到残酷的折磨。The two Irishmen were in prison for five years before they were found to be innocent.这两名爱尔兰人在监狱里待了五年之后才被判无罪。He rehearsed all his sufferings in prison.他历数自己在狱中所受的种种折磨。He received all kinds of inhumane treatment during his three-month stay in prison.他在监狱里待了三个月,受尽了不人道的待遇。Citing a law prohibiting hate speech against a minority, a district court sentenced him to a month in prison.地区法院根据一条禁止针对少数社群的仇恨演讲的法律,判他入狱一个月。When you're in prison, every day feels just like the one before.坐牢时,每天的感觉都和前一天没有两样。She told me coolly and factually the story of her life in prison.她冷静且一五一十地向我讲述了她在狱中的经历。Anyone found guilty of joyriding can now be sentenced for up to five years in prison.凡是因为偷车兜风被判有罪的人,现在可被判刑高达五年。It will take her fifteen years in prison to account for such horrible crime.她犯下如此可怕的罪行,得坐15年牢。The film takes a light-hearted look at life in prison.这部电影采取了一种轻松、风趣的手法描写监狱生活。Those who were convicted were sent to rot in prison.那些判了刑的人被关进监狱,慢慢衰弱下去。Veronica came to see him in prison.韦罗妮卡来监狱看他。Two men have been charged with murder and are now in prison awaiting trial.两个男人被控谋杀,现在在押候审。Throughout his years in prison, he fought to clear his name.在整个服刑期间,他奋力为自己正名。She's been told that her husband is being harshly treated in prison.她被告知自己的丈夫正在监狱里遭受虐待。He heard she had become a reformed character whilst in prison.他听说她在监狱里彻底改变了自己。There are many chapters in Wilkins’ long, colorful life, including the time he spent in prison.威尔金斯漫长而又丰富多彩的生活中有许多篇章,其中包括他在狱中度过的那一段。Small jealousies loomed large in prison.人与人之间那些小肚鸡肠的妒忌在监狱里会凸显出来。Williams faces life in prison if convicted of attempted murder.如被判谋杀未遂,威廉斯将面临终身监禁。He could get life in prison, if convicted.如果罪名成立,他可能会被判终身监禁。Some countries will sentence you to seven or more years in prison for drug offences.一些国家会判犯吸毒、藏毒等罪者七年或七年以上徒刑。Sanchez was sentenced to three years in prison.桑切斯被判了三年监禁。Sid's got to keep his nose clean or he'll end up back in prison.西德必须检点一些,否则只会落得个再进班房的下场。Two judges and six lay assessors sentenced White to life in prison.两名法官和六名大众陪审推事判决怀特终身监禁。Pollard continues to languish in prison.波拉德继续受牢狱之苦。




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