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例句 She was prepared to sacrifice having a family in order to pursue her career.为了追求事业她甘愿放弃成家。John saved his money in order that he might buy a toy tommy gun.约翰为了买一把玩具冲锋枪把钱存起来。 She went back home to put her affairs in order before she died.她临终前回到家中将一切都安排妥当。They are striking a pose in order to intimidate people.他们装腔作势想吓唬人。The doctor told me to sponge Erik down with cold water in order to lower his temperature.医生告诉我用冷水给埃里克擦身,以帮他降低体温。We need to get rid of the idea that we must be liked all the time in order to be worthwhile.我们必须抛弃那种认为要想活得有价值就得始终取悦他人的想法。Sometimes we bend the truth a little in order to spare them the pain of the real facts.有时我们会撒些小谎,以免他们知道实情会太痛苦。We used to wear as much make-up as we dared, in order to show off to our friends.以前我们为了在朋友面前炫耀自己,经常尽自己的胆量涂脂抹粉。He had invented an imaginary son, in order to make up for his real son's failings.为了弥补现实中儿子的不足之处,他就想象出了一个儿子。He had represented himself as an employee in order to gain access to the files.他为了接触到这些文件谎称自己是雇员。I was told that in order to get benefit payments I would have to answer some questions.我得知要领补助,就得回答一些问题。They have tolerated poor working conditions in order to finish the job.为了完成任务,他们忍受了简陋的工作条件。She placed the books in order on the shelf.她把书按顺序摆在书架上。Politicians drew strangely shaped boundaries, in order to give themselves an advantage in the next election.政客们把边界划得很奇怪,为的是使自己在下一届的选举中更具优势。We were told to arrange/settle our affairs. = We were told to put our affairs in order.我们被告知要把我们自己的事安排有序。The companies clubbed their resources in order to provide a new service.为提供一项新服务,这些公司集中了它们的资源。Before each voyage, the crew made sure that everything was in order including the controllers.每次出航前,船员们都保证将一切准备就绪,包括制链器。We all have to work together in order for us to win. = We can win, but in order for that to happen, we all have to work together.为了能赢,我们所有人必须齐心协力。Plants set seed in order to perpetuate themselves.植物结种子以延续生命。We pretended to like his artwork in order to spare his feelings. 为了照顾他的情绪,我们装作喜欢他的艺术作品。She prostituted herself in order to support her children.她为养活子女而操皮肉生涯。Chairs were arranged and printed material put in order.椅子排得整整齐齐,印刷材料放得井井有条。 The minister held a press conference in order to pre-empt criticism in the newspapers.部长召开了记者招待会,旨在先发制人,预先防备各报纸的指责批评。They believe that perfectionism is necessary in order to feel accepted by others.他们认为要被别人接纳必须追求完美。He put on some soft music and turned the lights down in order to give the room a little more atmosphere.为了使房间更富情调,他放起了轻柔的音乐,调暗了灯光。The door had been locked from the inside and the police had to break it down in order to get in.门从里面被锁上了,警察为了进去只好把门砸了。I went along to the funeral in order to offer my sympathies.我去参加了葬礼以表吊慰。She was prepared to lie in order to achieve her ends.为了达到目的她不惜撒谎。We learn a language in order to communicate.我们学习语言是为了交流思想。I pushed my way forwards to the front of the crowd in order to get a better view.我一路推挤到人群前面以便看得更清楚些。The items are listed in order of importance.这些项目是根据其重要性排列的。She washed the car in order to score points with her father.她洗了车以赢得父亲的表扬。Our force pulled back in order to mislead the enemy.我们的部队撤退是为了迷惑敌人。Small companies are heavily reliant on the goodwill of the banks in order to keep going.小型公司非常依赖银行的商誉来继续经营。Most criminals steal in order to sell their loot for cash on the black market.罪犯盗窃大多是为了把赃物在黑市上卖掉,换取现金。Some journalists are guilty of reporting scandal in order to sell papers.有些记者为增加报纸销量而去报道丑闻,这种做法不对。She sold everything she'd ever bought in order to support herself through art school.为了供自己读完艺术学校,她把过去购置的所有东西都卖掉了。The workers took control of the factory in order to preempt its sale by the owners.工人抢先占据了工厂以阻止厂主将工厂出售。We learn a language in order to communicate.我们学习一种语言是为了交流思想。I rested against a wall for a minute in order to tie up my shoe laces.我靠一会墙来系鞋带。




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