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词汇 in no way
例句 She added that she had in no way intended to offend anybody.她补充说道,她绝不是故意要冒犯任何人。He was in no way representative of dog-trainers in general.他远不是一般意义上的驯狗师。The ice-cream is remarkably low in fat but in no way penitential.这种冰激凌虽然含脂量特别低,但吃了肯定会有罪恶感的。They took no notice of him, he did not stand out, he was in no way remarkable.他们没在意他,他并不突出,一点也不引人注目。The damage is very slight and in no way reduces the value of the painting.损坏十分轻微,根本不会降低画的价值。The animals used in the film are in no way mistreated.用于影片拍摄的动物决不会受到虐待。This magazine in no way glorifies gangs.这个杂志绝不为犯罪团伙歌功颂德。This should in no way be seen as a defeat.这绝对不应该被看作是一次失败。She in no way resembles her mother.她一点儿也不像她母亲。 They must ensure that ocean pressure would in no way deform the vessel's hull.他们必须确保海水的压力绝对不会让船体变形。To say that is in no way to depreciate the performance.那样说丝毫不是要贬低其表现。They believe that submission in no way implies inferiority.他们认为服从绝不意味着低人一等。His enthusiasm was in no way flagging.他的热情丝毫未减。This will in no way influence our original decision.这根本不会影响我们原来的决定。Wabel's victory was in no way devalued by the absence of series leader Tom Fisher.瓦贝尔的胜利绝没有因系列赛领先者汤姆·费希尔的缺阵而失色。This only goes to show how this racist leopard has in no way changed his spots.这恰恰说明了这个种族主义分子的本性从未改变过。Her salary in no way matched her fame.她的薪水与她的名声一点也不相称。 How can anyone blame her for actions for which she feels herself to be in no way responsible?她认为自己对这些行动不负有责任,别人怎么还能因此而责备她呢?He was in no way implicated in the crime.他绝不可能涉嫌犯罪。It is in no way a reflection on my character.这决不会有损我的品格。




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