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词汇 in no time
例句 This medicine will magic the pain away in no time.这种药会立刻止痛。We'll be there in no time.我们将立刻赶到那儿。Your husband has an excellent constitution and is likely to recover in no time.你丈夫体质很好,很快就会康复的。She was on her feet in no time.她很快就站了起来。I'm sure it's all a storm in a teacup, blow over in no time.我确信这一切都只是小题大做,赶紧让它过去吧。He rustled up a full meal in no time.一眨眼工夫他就做好了一顿饭菜。The kids ate their dinner in no time.孩子们很快吃完了饭。He had his new computer up and running in no time.他很快便使自己的新电脑运转起来。This ointment should heal the cut in no time.这种药膏应该能使伤口迅速愈合。His mother whipped up a cake in no time on his birthday.他生日那天,他妈妈很快地做好了一个蛋糕。We finished the work in no time.我们不一会儿就把工作做好了。He'll be out of money in no time, just watch.他马上就会没钱的,等着瞧吧。Come on, be brave. Just grit your teeth and it will all be over in no time.加油,勇敢一些。你只要咬紧牙关,很快就会挺过去的。We zipped through customs in no time.我们很快通过了海关。Don't worry - you'll be back to normal in no time.别担心,你很快就会恢复正常的。Don't worry. It'll all be over in no time.别担心,很快就要全结束了。We'll do up your car in no time at all.我们很快就能把你的汽车修好。I'll whip up a meal in no time.不消一会儿我就能把饭做好。He reached the bottom of the steps in no time.他很快下到了楼梯底部。She's got a strong constitution – she'll recover in no time.她体质很好,很快就会痊愈。He'll be back in no time.他很快就会回来。He learned to use a single-handed saw in no time.他很快学会使用单手锯。He predicted that my hair would grow back in no time.他预言我的头发立刻会长回原样。You can get the feel of a compact car in no time.你很快就能把小型车摸清楚。If we all muck in, we'll have the job done in no time.要是我们一起工作,我们就会很快把活干完。She'll be all right in no time.她很快就会好的。We'll have the place spick and span in no time.我们要立刻把这个地方收拾得干干净净。The whole building was dimmed out in no time.整座大楼顿时一片黑暗。I can whip a meal up in no time.我能马上做好一顿饭。He helped her when she needed someone, and in no time they fell in love.就在她需要人的时候他帮助了她,接着他们很快就相爱了。Some men go through a pair of socks in no time.有的男子一双袜子上脚就穿破。You can learn it in no time at all.这事你一学就会。 When the entire class worked together they finished the project in no time flat.待全班学生一起动手干起来,这个项目很快就完成了。We all set to and got the place cleaned up in no time.我们一齐大干起来,一会儿就把那地方打扫干净了。




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