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词汇 innocently
例句 Everything started out innocently enough.一切事物在刚开始时都没有什么危害。He innocently imagined that I was going to let him off.他幼稚地幻想我会放过他。She smiled innocently.她天真地笑了。The baby gurgled innocently on the bed.婴儿在床上发出咯咯的纯真笑声。The street was full of people innocently going about their business.街上到处都是为自己的工作奔波忙碌的人。It had all begun very innocently.事情起初是没有任何恶意的。I innocently mentioned what turned out to be a very painful topic.我无意谈及的一个话题竟然让人十分痛苦。The baby gurgled innocently on the bed.床上的婴儿天真地咯咯笑着。The affair had begun innocently enough.这事很单纯自然地就开始了。I tried to find out what she was playing at, but she only smiled back at me innocently.我想弄清楚她在搞什么名堂,可她只是一脸无辜地朝我微笑。




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