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词汇 innocent
例句 The accused man declared himself innocent.被告声称他是无罪的。The Pope called for a halt to the shedding of innocent blood.教皇呼吁不要滥杀无辜。Don't be fooled by them acting all sweet and innocent.别上他们的当,他们那是故作亲切、佯装天真。The Health Minister, who resigned today, claims she is an innocent victim caught in the crossfire of the current battle over inflation.今日辞职的卫生部长称自己是当前通货膨胀引起的纷争的无辜受害者。Bates allowed an innocent man to go to jail for his crime.贝茨让一个无辜的人为他犯下的罪行去坐牢。The criminals must bear full responsibility for the deaths of these innocent people.那些罪犯必须为这些无辜者的死承担全部责任。The court pronounced her innocent of all charges.法庭宣布对她的所有指控均不成立。She can't be as innocent as she seems.她不可能像看上去那样单纯。She avowed her innocence. = She avowed that she was innocent.她公开宣称自己是无辜的。Protesters proclaimed that the girl was innocent.抗议者宣称那个女孩是无辜的。Stop acting innocent.别再假装无辜了。Among many, it's gospel that he must have been an innocent victim of a girl with loose morals.很多人深信不疑,他肯定是被一个放荡女子所葬送的无辜受害者。The youths were described as uncivilised barbarians who savagely attacked innocent victims.那些青年人被说成是缺少教养的野蛮人,他们凶残地袭击无辜的人群。It is a basic principle of US law, that a person is innocent until proven guilty.一个人被证实有罪之前是清白的,这是美国法律的基本原则。She steadfastly maintained that her grandsons were innocent, and nothing could dissuade her from that belief.她坚持认为她孙子是无辜的,什么都不能改变她这一看法。The deserted streets were still innocent, so he made no detours but concentrated on speed.僻静的街道还没有危险性,所以他没有绕道,而是加速赶路。Just remember to keep it innocent and not to feel her up.你只要记住心思单纯些,别对她动手动脚。He was convicted of the murder, but he is still trying to persuade the public that he's innocent.他被判犯有谋杀罪,但他仍试图说服公众他是无辜的。Under criminal law people are presumed innocent until proved guilty.按刑法规定,人们在被证明有罪之前被认定是无罪的。She told innocent fibs like anyone else.她也像别人一样,说些无伤大雅的谎话。He pleaded innocent to the charges.对各项指控他申辩自己是清白的。The two Irishmen were in prison for five years before they were found to be innocent.这两名爱尔兰人在监狱里待了五年之后才被判无罪。The police got the name wrong and arrested an innocent man.警察把名字弄错了,逮捕了一个无辜的人。A person accused of a crime is considered innocent until proven guilty.受指控者,在未依法证实有罪之前,视同无罪。He says he's innocent and he wants an opportunity to clear himself. = He wants an opportunity to clear his name. 他说自己是无辜的,并希望有机会证明自己的清白。Under the law, everyone is considered innocent until proved guilty.根据法律,所有人在证实有罪前都被认为是清白的。Many innocent civilians are among the casualties.伤亡者当中有很多是无辜的平民。Why did he throw dirt at such an innocent girl?他为什么要中伤一位如此天真的姑娘呢? Both groups on either side are just picking off innocent bystanders.对峙双方都只是在瞄准射击无辜的旁观者。Everyone thought it was an innocent mistake, but I knew better.人人都以为那是个无意犯的错误,但我知道不是那么一回事。It looks like an innocent bystander was killed instead of you.看来是某个无辜的路人被杀,而你却得以幸免了。We strongly believe that she is innocent.我们坚信她是无辜的。He insists that he is innocent.他坚持他是无罪的。He is quite categorical that the UN should only help the innocent civilian population.他态度非常明确,联合国只应该帮助无辜的平民。Both men insist that they are innocent.两个男人都坚称他们是无辜的。I truly believe he is innocent.我真的相信他是无辜的。You got my meaning. So don't go too innocent on me.你懂我的意思,不必在我面前装蒜。Ian was a hopeless innocent where women were concerned.一涉及女性,伊恩就显得极其无知。On closer examination of the facts it became clear that the boy was innocent.对事实进行进一步仔细调查之后,事情就清楚了—这个男孩是无辜的。Do you think he's innocent or guilty?你认为他有罪还是无罪?




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