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词汇 inning
例句 He was touched for a run in the first inning. 他在第一局输了一个跑垒得分。They turned a double play to end the inning.他们用一记双杀结束了这一局。The pitcher ran out of gas in the seventh inning.棒球投手在第七局时体力就耗尽了。They loaded the bases with two out in the bottom of the eighth inning.他们队在第八局末以二人出局满垒。The manager removed the starting pitcher in the third inning.主教练在第三局时换下了首发的投手。They tied the score in the bottom of the ninth inning.他们在第九局的后半局打平。The pitcher struck out the side in the first inning.投手在第一局就使击球方三人全部出局。Two base runners were left stranded at the end of the inning.这局结束时两个跑垒员被残留垒上。They turned a triple play in the first inning.他们在第一局里就上演了三重杀。He entered the game in the fifth inning.他在比赛第五局出场。He bombed a homer in the ninth inning.他在第九局击出一个本垒打。It was a good hit, but Silverman snagged it for the final out of the inning.这个球击得很好,但西尔弗曼还是一下子抓到了,使局中最后一人出局。The shortstop made a great play to end the inning.游击手以一记漂亮的触杀结束了这局比赛。He popped to the second baseman in the first inning.他在第一局击出了个小腾空球,飞向二垒手。He led off the inning with a home run.那局比赛他是第一个上场的击球手,并打出了本垒打。The manager decided to change pitchers in the eighth inning.比赛进行到第八局时,教练决定换投手。He knocked in a run in the second inning with a double to left field.他在第二局击出一个左外野二垒打,并使跑垒员跑垒得分。He would have had a perfect game, except he walked a batter in the final inning.对他来说,这本来可以是一场完美的比赛的,除了在最后一局他让一名击球手自由上垒。The team fell behind in the second inning and has had to play catch-up ever since.球队在第二局开始落后,此后一直在努力追平。The pitcher didn't give up a hit till the ninth inning.投手到第九局才失掉了一球。The relief pitcher was bombed in the ninth inning.替补投手在第九局丢了好几分。The team widened their lead in the fifth inning.这支队在第五局扩大了领先优势。She hit a double in the fourth inning.她在第四局打出了一个二垒打。With two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning, he hit a home run to win the game.第九局的后半局,在有两名队员出局的情况下,他以一记本垒打赢得了比赛。At the end of the fourth inning, the Red Sox led by two runs.第四局结束时,红袜队以两分领先。He was shelled in the second inning.在第二局里,他的投球让对方大量得分。The team had a large lead most of the game but self-destructed in the ninth inning and lost.这支队整场大都遥遥领先,但在第九局自毁,输掉了比赛。In the last inning, a home run can make you the hero, and a strikeout can make you the goat.在最后一局中,一个本垒打能使你成为英雄,三击未中出局能使你成为千夫所指的对象。The team turned a double play to end the inning.球队表演了一记双杀结束了这局。The coach was playing the odds that his pitcher would get through the inning without giving up a run.教练希望他的投手能走运,不失一分地顺利完成这一局。He hit a double in the eighth inning.他在第八局击出一记二垒打。He got the hook after allowing three runs in the second inning.他因在第二局让对手得了三分而被换下场。It's the bottom of the ninth inning with two men out.在第九局的后半局,有两名队员出局Walker led the inning with a double.沃尔克是那一局的第一个击球手,击出一个二垒安打。A double play ended the inning and the Red Sox were up.双杀结束了那一局,红袜队晋级。




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