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词汇 in making
例句 Lewis is shameless in making promises he doesn't intend to keep.刘易斯信口许诺,却不觉羞耻。You have no need to be backward in making your wishes known.说出自己的愿望吧,不用不好意思。Don't be beforehand in making up your mind.不要过早作出决定。The old lady engaged herself in making clothes for her neighbours' children.老太太忙着为邻居的孩子们做衣服。She assisted in making the decision.她帮忙做了决定。Katz argued that the police used too much force and were careless in making arrests.卡茨辩称,警方过分使用武力,而且逮捕时草率行动。Environmental considerations were given due weight in making the decision.作决定时,环境因素得到了应有的重视。The government has succeeded in making this policy stick.政府成功地使这项政策固定了下来。Cocoa is used in making chocolate.可可粉用来做巧克力。Yeast can be used in making beer and bread.酵母可用于酿啤酒和发面包。Both House and Senate rely heavily on committee recommendations in making their decisions.参众两院的决策在很大程度上有赖各委员会的咨询意见。She used sound reasoning in making the decision.她运用合理推断做出了决定。I figured I'd be in town a while, and I saw no point in making enemies when I didn't have to.我想我在镇上待不了多久,没有必要的话不必树敌。She describes her own moral dilemma in making the film.她描述了她在电影制作过程当中遇到的道德困境。You need to get involved in making things better.你需要积极投入,把事情做得更好。Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in making acquaintances.查理斯怕羞,不会主动结交朋友。Other variables in making forecasts for the industry include the weather and the general economic climate.对该产业进行预测时还要考虑天气和宏观经济环境等其他不确定因素。No expense was spared in making the guests feel comfortable.为了使客人住得舒适不惜重金。Chandler was instrumental in making Jackie Robinson the first black player in the major leagues.在杰基·罗宾逊成为职业棒球联合会第一名黑人球员的过程中,钱德勒起到了重要作用。Because of his plainness of speech, he succeeded in making his point.由于他措词清楚,他成功地表明了自己的观点。I've been a bit slow in making up my mind.我下决心有些慢。I knew I had dropped a brick in making that remark.我知道那句话一出口我便闯下了祸。Lea Anderson is a choreographer who believes in making dance accessible.作为一个舞蹈编导,利•安德森认为应该使舞蹈通俗易懂。The company specializes in making practical footwear for the leisure sports market.这家公司专门为休闲运动市场生产实用的鞋类。I was impressed by the care she displayed in making the flower arrangements.她插花时的细心令我印象深刻。There's no shame in making an honest living.过老实本分的生活不丢人。He says the police acted precipitately in making the arrest.他说警方贸然施行了抓捕。Glazing is the final step in making pottery.上釉是制陶的最后一道工序。He seems to take perverse pleasure/delight in making things as difficult as possible.他似乎故意把事情搞得尽可能难办而从中获取反常的乐趣。He wounded two policemen in making his getaway.他在逃跑过程中打伤了两名警察。I had never been involved in making the big decisions before.我以前从未参与过重大决策。I tried to apologize but only succeeded in making her angrier. 我试图道歉,但结果却让她更加生气。Here are some good sources of information to assist you in making the best selection.这里是一些有价值的信息来源,可以帮助你作出最佳选择。We suspected his motives in making his offer.我们对他提出这个建议的动机表示怀疑。We've always specialised in making very robust, simply designed machinery.我们一直专注于制造极为结实耐用而且设计简单的机器。There's no sense in making people unhappy.让人不高兴没什么好处。Must you persist in making that noise?难道你非得要继续制造那种噪声吗?He was given a remarkably free hand in making all the arrangements.他在制定计划方面被授予很大的自行决定权。Here are a few additional considerations that may help in making the correct decision.还有几点需要额外考虑的因素,或许会对作出正确决策有帮助。He's interested in making films about war.他对拍摄战争片感兴趣。




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