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词汇 initiate
例句 We should initiate talks with the unions.我们应该发起同工会的谈判了。The initiate knows that dinner is nearing an end when the rice and tea appear.有经验的人知道,米饭和茶上桌时,宴席也就接近尾声了。Anyone has the right to initiate legislation.任何人都有权提出立法。He wanted to initiate his son into fishing.他想引领他儿子进入捕鱼业。We shall initiate urgent discussions with our European partners.我们将与欧洲伙伴展开紧急磋商。They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.他们想启动一次经济学讨论。Chen was an initiate of a Chinese spiritual discipline.陈刚开始接触中式灵修。They have decided to initiate legal proceedings against the newspaper.他们决定向该报提出法律诉讼。They inveighed against the government's policy to initiate a pay hike for civil servants.他们猛烈地攻击政府为公务员加薪的政策。The brain is necessary to initiate movement and control balance.在启动动作和控制平衡的过程中大脑是不可或缺的。He tried to initiate her into the mysteries of Chinese cooking.他尝试让她领略到中国烹饪的奇妙之处。The police will initiate extradition proceedings against him.警方将启动对他的引渡诉讼。The club will initiate new members Tuesday.俱乐部将在星期二正式接纳新会员。The couple plan to initiate legal proceedings against the police.这对夫妇打算对警方提出起诉。You can initiate policies until the cows come home, but unless they're monitored at a senior level, you won't get results.你可以花很长时间来制定政策,但除非高层对之进行监管,否则不会有效果。The Act allows children, for the first time, to initiate proceedings.该法案首次允许儿童实施起诉程序。Some women won't initiate sex because they believe it's a male prerogative.有些女人不会主动要求性生活,因为她们认为这是男人的特权。These abstruse and erudite papers are intelligible only to the initiate.这些深奥而旁征博引的论文,只有具备了入门知识的内行才能看得懂。




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