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词汇 ingenuity
例句 She showed amazing ingenuity in finding ways to cut costs.在想办法削减费用方面,她表现出了惊人的聪明才智。We have to admire his ingenuity in redesigning the machinery.我们不得不钦佩他在重新设计机器方面的创造能力。It didn't take much ingenuity to transform the door into a table.把门板改造成桌子没有动多少脑筋。Considerable ingenuity is required to minimize costs.实现成本最小化需要有相当的聪明才智。Our ingenuity can certainly devise means of holding down energy consumption and tapping new sources.我们凭借心灵手巧,肯定能设想出降低能源消耗和开发新能源的办法来。Inspecting the nest may require some ingenuity.探查鸟巢是需要些技巧的。This piece of work fully displays the designer's ingenuity.这件作品充分展示了设计者的独创力。Inspecting the nest can be difficult and may require some ingenuity.探查鸟巢会是一件困难的事,需要一些奇招妙计。The tenacity and ingenuity shown by these women's groups during the war was remarkable.这些妇女团体在战争期间表现出来的坚强毅力和足智多谋令人赞叹。The children showed a lot of ingenuity.孩子们表现出极高的才智。There is always a solution, so long as you are prepared to use your ingenuity.只要你愿意开动脑筋,总会有解决办法的。She had the ingenuity to succeed where everyone else had failed.她真是心灵手巧,别人办不到的事她却做成了。The pyramids are a tribute to Egyptian ingenuity.金字塔体现了埃及人的智慧。He is a democrat with the skill, nerve, and ingenuity to push the limits of the possible.他是一个手腕高超、富有胆识、足智多谋的民主党人,能够让不可能的事成为可能。They applauded the minister's ingenuity in avoiding tax rises.他们为部长在避免增税方面的智谋而喝彩。Some Customs officers do show ingenuity in singling out persons for special attention.有些海关关员在选中重点注意对象方面确实别具慧眼。The Jigsaw Company makes puzzles of fiendish ingenuity.拼图公司制造了精巧复杂的拼图。His ingenuity rose to the challenge.他的足智多谋战胜了这次挑战。It will take considerable/much/some ingenuity to fix these problems.解决这些问题需要相当多的/很多的/一些聪明才智。They adapted the available materials with great ingenuity.他们以非凡的才智改造了现有的材料。Getting out of this mess was going to require a fair degree of ingenuity.要摆脱这一混乱局面需要具备相当程度的聪明才智。Drug smugglers constantly use their ingenuity to find new ways of getting drugs into a country.毒贩们总是绞尽脑汁地寻找跨境贩毒的新花招。




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