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词汇 arrive in
例句 When do you expect them to arrive in Boston?你预计他们什么时候到波士顿?She arrived in this country ten years ago.她十年前到达这个国家。Truckloads of food and medical supplies arrived in the refugee camp.一车车食品和药品被送到了难民营。He arrives in his biplane and crash-lands it in a tree.他开着自己的双翼飞机到达,然后摔机着陆落到一棵树上。The King arrived in a horse-drawn carriage.国王坐着一辆马车到达。The guests arrived in succession.宾客们接踵而至。The star arrived in London with her usual entourage of dancers and backing singers.这位歌星到达了伦敦,随行的还有她惯用的伴舞和伴唱人员。He arrived in casualty with multiple injuries to his head.他来到急诊室,头部多处受伤。The police arrived in force to break up the crowd of demonstrators.警察大队人马赶来驱散示威人群。I reckon he will arrive in Shanghai at noon.我估计他将于中午抵达上海。The book arrived in a plain brown wrapper.书送到时是用普通的褐色包装纸包着的。He arrived in court under police escort.在警察的护送下,他到达法院。They arrived in a flutter.他们到达时心怦怦直跳。They arrived in Liverpool after an uneventful journey.他们平安无事地抵达了利物浦。The ambulance arrived in the nick of time.救护车在最后一刻赶到。We called the fire brigade, which arrived in less than no time.我们打电话给消防队,他们马上就赶到了。As soon as she arrived in Tokyo, she booked in at her hotel.她一到东京就登记入住了酒店。The chandelier arrived in a big box, tightly packed around in wadding.那盏枝形吊灯运来了,装在一个大箱子里,四周用填料塞得紧紧的。I can't speak a word of French so I'm marked out as a foreigner as soon as I arrive in France.我一句法语也不会说,所以一到法国就被看出是外国人。The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutes ahead of schedule.喷气式飞机比计划提前了两分钟到达约翰内斯堡。What first struck her when she arrived in England was the greenness of the landscape.到英格兰后,首先给她留下深刻印象的是郁郁葱葱的景色。She finally arrived in New York.她终于到达纽约。The delegation arrived in London last Monday.代表团上星期一抵达伦敦。I didn't expect the furniture to arrive in pieces.我没想到家具送来的时候是散件。Several shiploads of grain arrived in the harbor that day.那天有好几船的粮食运达港口。She wanted to arrive in time to keep her date.她想准时赴约。All our furniture arrived in one piece.所有家具都已安全送达。The wedding party arrived in sartorial splendor.婚礼上人们衣着雍容华贵。We arrived in time for lunch.我们及时到达,赶上了吃午饭。Robbie Williams arrived in New York to do a week of promotion for his new record.罗比·威廉斯到纽约来为他的新唱片做一个星期的宣传工作。We'll arrive in Boston at 4 o'clock local time.我们将于当地时间四点到达波士顿。No sooner had he arrived in Rome than he was kidnapped.他一到罗马就被绑架了。The guests arrived in singles and pairs.客人们或单个或成双地到来。He was quartered at the embassy when he arrived in Paris.他到达巴黎后被安排在使馆里住下。An email arrives in your inbox.你的收件箱收到一封电子邮件。You can make book on it that he won't arrive in time.你可以打赌他不会及时来到的。Luckily, help arrived in the shape of a police officer.幸运的是,一名警察模样的人过来帮忙。The UN peacekeeping mission has arrived in the capital.联合国维和代表团已经到达首都。The guests arrived in dribs and drabs.客人们三三两两地到了。Several long-awaited DVDs will finally arrive in the shops this month.几部让人翘首企盼的数字影碟终于将在这个月到货。




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