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词汇 arrive
例句 It generally takes about a month for the shipment to arrive.通常,货物要一个月之后才能到达。We expect them to arrive on the morrow. 我们期望他们明天到达。The majority of holiday flights depart and arrive on schedule.大部分假日航班都能按时起降。I must do the bedrooms before the guests arrive.我必须在客人到达之前把卧室收拾干净。He didn't arrive much before noon. 快中午了他才到。They have taken several routes to arrive at admittedly broadbrush estimates.他们通过多种途径才作出这些诚然是粗略的估计。She was first to arrive at the party and last to leave.聚会上她最早到,最晚走。They promised to pay by Friday and yes, true to form, the money didn't arrive till Wednesday.他们答应星期五前把钱付清。果然,一如往常,直到星期三那笔钱才送来。I tried to reassure her by saying that the police would arrive soon.我试图安慰她,说警察很快就会到来。People were queuing up for the new Harry Potter book to arrive - hot off the press.人们排队等着《哈利·波特》新书上架—刚刚出版的。When I arrive Delhi I'll get in contact with him.我到达德里后会跟他联系。He's not sure what time he'll arrive—he is going to let us know.他不确定他几点到到时他会告诉我们。Whether they arrive tonight, tomorrow, or whenever, they'll be welcome.他们是今晚来、明天来或别的什么时候来,都将受到欢迎。It's very upsetting to arrive home and find that your house has been burgled.回到家时发现家里遭人行窃,那真是非常令人苦恼的。What time do you think we'll arrive?你说我们什么时候会到达?You can make book on it that he won't arrive in time.你可以打赌他不会及时来到的。I warned them that I would arrive late.我曾预先通知过他们,我将晚点到达。His object was to gain time until help could arrive.他的目的是争取时间直到有人来援助。Thousands of devoted fans waited in the rain for the group to arrive.成千上万的忠实歌迷在雨中迎候这支乐队到来。He was the umpteenth person to arrive.他是许多人到达之后才到的。Servants would arrive with trays of tea.仆人们会端来几盘茶。What if by some mischance he fails to arrive?要是他运气不好没到怎么办?My wife and I were the first to arrive and hopped on board.我和妻子是最早赶到登船的。We shall arrive tomorrow evening.我们将于明晚到达。Students are given demerits if they arrive late for classes.学生如果上课迟到,将被记过。They will arrive at 15: 00 hours.他们将在下午三点抵达。According to protocol, he was to arrive at the meeting exactly five minutes early.按礼节他应该提早正好五分钟到会。Unless anything untoward happens we should arrive just before midday.除非发生意外,否则我们应该是刚好在中午前到达。At the rate we're moving, it will be morning before we arrive.照我们现在的速度走,到达时天都亮了。We're still waiting for the first batch to arrive.我们还在等待第一批的到来。When we arrive at the office each morning we have to sign on the dotted line.每天早晨我们到办公室时,都要签上大名。I reckon the train will soon arrive.我想火车快要到了。It's essential to arrive on time.请务必准时到达。We expect them to arrive before long. 我们预计他们很快就到。She could hardly contain herself when she saw him arrive.看到他来时,她几乎不能自制。I thought it would be a good idea to arrive early.我想早点到达是个不错的主意。When the children arrive, you give them each a balloon.孩子们到后,你给他们每人发一个汽球。He has telegraphed us to say when he will arrive.他已电告我们将在什么时候到达。Try and get some sleep on the plane, then you'll arrive feeling fresh.尽量在飞机上睡一会儿,到达时就会有精神。When the bags arrive at the carousel, you should immediately determine if the locks are still intact.行李到了传送带上之后,你应该立即确认锁是不是完好无损。




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