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词汇 arrivals
例句 Check the airport monitors for arrivals and departures.检查一下机场监控器,看看到港和出发的航班。Early arrivals get all the best parking spaces.先到者得到所有最好的停车位。The train pulled in with its cargo of new arrivals.火车装载着一批新到的货物进站了。The arrivals of the boat and the train are supposed to coincide.船和火车预计会同时到达。They track the number of airport arrivals and departures.他们跟踪记录机场飞机进港和离港的数量。A young man sat slumped behind the hotel desk, showing little interest in the new arrivals.一个年轻人歪坐在旅馆的登记柜台旁边,对新来的客人没多大兴趣。Someone should stay here to meet the late arrivals.应该有人留在这儿等等那些迟到的人。Some new arrivals lose hope even before they start hunting for a job.一些新来的人还没开始找工作就失去了希望。Which airline has the worst on-time arrivals?哪家航空公司的航班到达最不准点?A high proportion of the new arrivals are skilled professionals.新来的人中很大一部分是技术熟练的专业人士。She had her hands full with new arrivals.她忙于应付新来的人。He finished off by welcoming the new arrivals.他迎接完新来的人就没事了。Have you had a look at the bookstore's new arrivals? 你看了书店新进的书了吗?They went out to welcome the new arrivals.他们走出去欢迎新来的人。She had entered the arrivals' lounge when I got to the airport.我到达机场时,她已进入迎客厅了。The club has a dinner to welcome new arrivals to the town.俱乐部举行宴会欢迎新到镇里的人。They were late arrivals at the party.这次聚会他们迟到了。There were two new arrivals, fidgeting around, waiting to ask questions.有两个新来的人坐立不安地等着提问。There were seven new arrivals in the camp.营地有七个新来者。




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