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词汇 infinitely
例句 The new policies are infinitely preferable to what went before.这些新政策远比以前的好得多。The universe is infinitely large.宇宙是广袤无际的。A good sparkling wine is infinitely preferable to a bad Champagne.优质起泡葡萄酒比劣质香槟要可取得多。The house was infinitely superior to the kind of thing most men of my age could aspire to.这所房子太好了,是大多数我这个年龄的男人想都不敢想的。He was infinitely more assured than in his more recent parliamentary appearances.与最近在议会露面时的表现相比,他过去要自信得多。As far as I'm concerned, physical therapy is greatly/infinitely preferable to surgery.依我看,物理疗法比手术好得多。I feel infinitely better mentally and physically.我觉得精神和身体都好了太多。It tastes infinitely better than the last coffee we had.这比我们上次喝的咖啡味道好多了。Human beings are infinitely flexible and able to adjust when survival depends on it.人类的适应能力是无穷尽的,为了生存可以适应任何环境。These systems are infinitely variable.这些系统变化无穷。This school is infinitely better than the last one I went to.这所学校比我之前上的那一所好太多了。Europe had become infinitely more unstable and fragmented.欧洲已经变得相当不稳定,也越来越分化。His design was infinitely better than anything I could have done.他的设计比我所能设计出的不知要好上多少倍。It provides perfect strangers with a ready-made and infinitely adaptable topic of conversation.它给完全陌生的人提供了一个方便灵活的聊天话题。We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends.我们的关系要比我们其他许多朋友的关系好得多。Technological advances are now such that computers can calculate infinitely complicated problems.现在,技术的进步是如此之大,计算机可以计算无限复杂的问题。That was infinitely better than his last film.那比他上一次拍的影片好得多了。I'm infinitely grateful for your help.我非常感谢您的帮助。A centimeter can be infinitely divided into smaller units.一厘米可以无穷尽地分成更小的单位。Travel is infinitely more comfortable now than it used to be.现在旅行比过去舒服多了。You are infinitely precious to me.你是我的无价之宝。The situation here has got infinitely worse.这里的情况不知变差了多少倍。He argued that all matter was infinitely divisible.他认为所有物质都是无限可分的。We realize that we are infinitely small within the scheme of things.我们认识到在大千世界中我们极其渺小。




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